Temporary Isolation Ideas


Sheep Defiler
I recorded some demo tracks recently. I'm looking to do some solo or duo gigs locally.
After I went back and listened, I realized that my home isn't the most quiet place to record acoustic instruments. My rig is set up in the basement with no isolation booth. I'm wondering if anyone can offer a reasonable solution, maybe something I can build, that would help keep some of the outside sounds from getting picked up by the microphone.

Thanks in advance...
I have one track that got the heater in it.
Another track got some noise from the water pipes.
I'm not operating under the impression that I'm making million dollar recordings on a shoe string budget, but I wold like to find a way to lessen some of the sounds of the family and their normal activities getting into my recordings.
Cheapest solution would be to record when no one is home and shut off the appliances. Beyond that will cost you money in isolation devices, insulation, etc...
