Temporary fixtures for bass traps/absorption?



since going freelance, I've now got a couple of clients who want me to edit and mix their projects in my home studio, on a regular basis. I'm very, very happy about being able to do this, but my studio has never had any absorption treatment.

It's a perfectly square room ( :eek::eek::eek: ), and currently I have a duvet slung over a futon at the back, a couple of pillows on top of each other in one back corner, and a furry rug hanging off the back of the door in the other back corner. There are some chunks of acoustic foam on various surfaces too. So not ideal...

I don't have the time or skill do start making rockwool panels etc.

I'm looking at getting some foam bass traps for the back of the room. Is there any temporary solution, where I can maybe just put up some sticky hooks, and hang the traps up when working? Or do I really have to use a sticky glue or similar and permanently fix them up there?

Any ideas would be great, thanks!
If you don't have the time or skill to make traps then you can always buy ready-made traps. As you are in the UK, talk with [URL="http://www.gikacoustics.co.uk]GIK Acoustics[/URL]. Do please study enough to save wasting your money on thin foam panels.
I'm looking at getting some foam bass traps for the back of the room. Is there any temporary solution, where I can maybe just put up some sticky hooks, and hang the traps up when working? Or do I really have to use a sticky glue or similar and permanently fix them up there?

Foam is not going to do much for you. Much more effective panels are made from rigid fiberglass, and they can be hung on the walls like a picture:


Or attached to stands for portability:


Or, if thick enough, can free-stand on the floor:


There are many non-permanent options that are also much better than foam!
