Tempo Tracks


New member

I have a couple of old tracks in SX that I foolishly didn't set up the tempo track for. They were essentially just tracked against a drum loop, no click etc. There are several audio and a couple of midi tracks in each song, and what i'm trying to do is set up them up in a project with a correct tempo track, snap to grid etc.

I'm wondering the best way to do this, if I change the tempo currently it throws everything out. I was thinking of exporting the tracks out but i'm not sure if i should change the tempo first or would converting the tracks to linear timebase help?

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

j mac
hmmm... you could try selecting a loop. then click the tempo and use the up down arrows to line the loop up.
This should be pretty easy. What you have to do is first find out the exact (desired) BPM of the track. Now make sure every track has it's "timebase" set to non-musical. There's a small symbol in the left field of every track that has a small music note in it. If you click it, it will change to a small clock. Make sure every track is set to the small clock. This tells cubase that the tracks are non-musical, and will therefor not respond to any changes beeing made to the grid or the tempo track. Now go to the tempo track and set up the right tempo. Now turn every track back into "musical" mode, and everything should be locked to the correct tempo. All you have to do now is select everything, and make sure the beat lines up with the beat of the grid.
That was an excellent explanation Halion. I wish the freaking manual read that simple...but no, they have to make an epic out of instructions... :D

I have yet to need this feature, but ya never know...thanks !!!

Heb een goede dag en een goede opname.....TRUE :D