Temp Mixing for the (spare room)


New member
For those who inquired...thank you for your thoughtful questions regarding mixing in a spare bedroom studio suite. This is indeed a tough one...however it can be done with great success as long as you follow certain protocols. We will get into that later..... In this e-mail I will explain how it can be done...in the real world ..in order for you to pull this off ..I will need room dimentions in order to send you the proper splays and degree of angle shaping your temp enviroment. mixing in a square room is impossible.
All engineers working in this realm would be using near field monitors. One thing that should be made clear right from the outset...is ...your near field monitors should always be placed on pedestals ..decoupled...solid concrete blocks would be fine...to limit transfer to the floor system. but other methods are avialable as well. Triad setting for the monitors are critical... here are the rules for triad configuration..equal measurment ..left to right to the center seat. Making sure the stereo image in front of you is at least 4' minimum 5to 6 would be my preference for imaging. Make sure the monitors are at least 1' behind the console...second reflections off the console surface when the monitors are to close causes cancellation .......................The materials needed will be....1" PCF-RFB panel..3M spray contact adheasive...( Guilford of Maine Fabric) a few sheets of 5/8 GWB...Laytex paint.
A diffuser system which can be fabricated using 2x4 stock ... 1/2" plywood and slight framing stock 3/4" pine to house the same.
Just one note... all materials must meet fire code standards as per ASNI.. the only items here the does not.. would be the 2x4,Pine and plywood stock. In this case ..we will treat the wood surfaces with a ceramic fire application...that you can add to any laytex paint for around $10.00 US.. per gallon I will post the web-site in the coming days. The protocol limitations have to do with the db level. Because this system will be a temp system...there are limitations on how much stress we can apply via db and SPL before the system starts to degrade. Because of the slight stature of the framing and lack of product to provide a rigid structure.
Meaning the more db applied the more the system acts as a membrane..(moving) at which point reflection properties start to degrade.
As well as your mix. You will have to keep the db profile within 80 db maximum. but you will be very happy with the results.
One last thing about near fields....As you are aware...most are front loaded.. meaning the bass port ....the louder you run them.. the more cancellation will occur.
Better off with rear loaded systems...one I would recommend that you may not be aware of..is a company down under called Krix...very inexpensive and very high quality..the crossovers are brilliant..frequency range..40 htz to 18000K..the curve is wonderful .. All of our rooms use them. And being rear loaded within the system layed out above.. the sonic quality improves because of the symetric shaping of the temp room,
By the way to get the fabric I spoke of as well as other acoustical material , please go to Silentsource.com ...speak to Win Ridabock...he is a great guy and will assist you. I can locate a supply house for you regarding the PCF-RFB panel once i know what state you reside....the rest is simple.
For those interested ...send room specs....W/D/H and we will forward you a system layout as well as how to construct the same....

Best regards,

Jack Piercy
Jack, my mixing room is 11' x 14' square. What is PCF-RFB board? Where can I get it? I'm located in St. Louis, Missouri.
Jeff5xo.....Pcf-RFB is the substraight used for fabric wrapped acoustic panels.
.....Absorption Coefficient ratings are as follows... NCR-85. !.25 to 4000HZ.
I will locate a vender for you in Missouri and get back to you ASAP.
The materials are sold as (5) per container ...sheet size is 4' x 10' If you would like to order the product rather that fabricate them yourself....go to the web-site I listed in the post.

Jack Piercy
Thanks Jack I look forward to you letting me know how to build this. One thing I forgot to mention is my deminsions for the ceiling hieght. My ceiling is 7' 4". (yikes!!) It's in a basement. I'll check that web site right now. Thanks again!
Hey Jack, I found something on Krix speakers..............but which ones would I get?? They have stereo speakers and home theater speakers, is this the right Krix? Can you give me a model name, or number? These things look very high end. Would it be possible to get a pair under $1000.00?
Jeff the model you would be looking for is the Eqinox....
And yes.....you will not spend anywhere near that.....If I recall....should be about half that amount. And yes Krix has a web-site...do a google search
Jeff forward room info to me ...H-W-D ..doors window locations and any other obstructions.....I will send you the detail you will need.
Send to my private e-mail..jpiercy@tds.net

Best regards,
Jack Piercy
Hey Jack.

Just wanted to put out a huge thanks for putting your services at our finger tips(literally). Im sure ethan will appreciate it as well as he is only one person. You can be sure that you will be hearing from me as I have about the same room as Jack so I think I may just sit back and listen for now.

You are very welcome Stockton,
I will be here for another 2 weeks...... if you require some advice.
I hear nothing but good things concerning Ethan.
Best of luck..

Jack Piercy