tell me what u think of my song...

Listening and typing....
Pretty loud - no problem I would think matching commercial CD volumes here.
Guitar is good and tight with the drums. I could stand to hear a lot more drums though - I struggle to make them out. Vocals same thing - more presence needed. Bass guitar not sure I hear at all.
Lead break - now I hear the bass better cool sounding bass there wish there was more of it too.
Overall it's a very good tune, song wise and playing wise, but I would (just IMHO) pull down the guitar and pull everything else up a touch.
The tune...Pure Evil and Aggression...I love it!
The mix:
Pushing the limits too hard. Pull back the cyber faders.
Guitar track is way too high in the mix.
Bass probably sits right when the guitars are pulled back AND:
kick and snare levels need to be brought forward in the mix. Cymbals have nice high frequencies but seem to need some mids and maybe and little flange to compliment their sound.
Vocals, and from what I heard I LOVE the vocal track(s) need to be pulled up. Not like a pop tune "out front", but it is an awesome vocal and very difficult to do...SHOW IT OFF A LITTLE BIT, don't hide it.
Great tune!!!