tell me what i'm doing wrong (drumtracks on deathmetal song)


New member
i recently bought stuff to record my drums and i recorded a temporary drum track for a band that wants me to record the drums.

all help would be appreciated,how is the volume of the drums in the mix?
does it sound like anythying is distorted?

all help is appreciated.

Bass drum sounds real good, probably exactly the way I would want it for this. Snare drum and toms sound anoying to me... But maybe that is the way your snare sounds, or the way you want it...? Are you doing this mix or are you just giving them drum tracks and having them mix it. I can find a lot wrong with the mix, but I'm not sure what you are looking for. How did you track this?

snare sounds dead ringy and boxy. Think you could possibly bring up the kick. Take it the kick is triggered? The kick could be slightly bassier. At first i thought the drums were slightly too loud in the track. Think just the snare could be brought down a touch. The toms don't sound right, too similar to the snare. I think there should be more of a crack to the snare. Wait, now i know what's happened. You mixed with headphones, didn't you? I've put headphones on, and it sounds a lot better. It's best not to mix with headphones.
Just my opinion
I think you need to cut some bottom from the snare (350 hz maybe) and add in some crack (5000 hz). That snare just doesn't fit. And the toms sound beyond repair. Are they totally dead, perhaps in need of new heads and tuning?
Bitchin blasbeats :D
Sounds to me like the snare is tuned OK, but the strainer is too tight. I would also like to hear more low end from the kicks. The speed is amazing, but the tempo doesn't sound even.

Impressive playing, though!
hey guys thanks for the advice.

i'm working with cubase sx 1.0,the toms have had the heads on there for the last 5 years and have o-rings, i'm looking to get new heads pretty soon, i like the sound of the coated tom heads,any suggestions?

when i went to go listen to it again i noticed that the main output was in the red so i lowered the main output volume and fiddled with the snare a little and the highs of the toms and cymbals and clean the individual tracks of the toms so now you can hear them a little better and put more bass in the kicks.

here is the final drum track, there is a band in another country who contacted me to record drum tracks for them so i'm recording them here and sending the individual tracks to them.

so do your worst hehehe.
thanks for the input again guys.

Get rid of those O-rings. :eek:

They will kill a tom sound in a heartbeat. You might as well be playing on a cardboard box.

I really don't like the guitar, it sounds small and thin. It sounds like double tracking or just bringing them up to fill out the track would help make the drums sound less overbearing.
um i am just recording the drum tracks and sending them to the band,the track is for everybody to hear JUST the drums,not the guitar.

here is a quote from my last post
"here is the final drum track, there is a band in another country who contacted me to record drum tracks for them so i'm recording them here and sending the individual tracks to them."
You need new heads. Always, before recording, new heads. If the top heads are 5 years old, I can't imagine how old the bottom heads are, change those to. Or you might want to trigger everything, that would save a lot of hassle because those sounds aren't going to cut it.
yeah i am going to get new heads.

how does the snare sound though??? i put a noise gate on the snare track to eliminate external noise,and the snare has no resonance but it makes the snare understandible.
you think i should get rid of the noise gateon the snare???
I would tune it a little higher, but without re-recording maybe you could EQ some of that honk out of it. (I'm guessing 600hz)

The only other thing that is twisting my ears is the severe panning on the toms, you should probably reel that in a bit.
where do i find the 600hz??? i have an EQ screen for cubase that has 4 options: low/low mid/high mid/high

the mic i used to record the snare is a generic drum mic,i bought a whole drum mic kit for 150 euro (about 140$ u.s.) 3 toms- 1 snare - 1 kick and to condensor that don't work off 48volts but a battery :(
i also have a shure sm58 on the hi-hat, would you suggest that on the snare to get better results??

another thing i'm doing is i have the audio of the single tracks turned up past the 0 mark but the main output volume is like -20.0 db does the main output have to be on 0 and the volume of the single tracks have to be lower than 0??
Just buy drumamgog and farviews drum samples and use that, you'll have great drum sounds no matter how shitty your drums are. Seriously though its an option you should seriously consider.
You need a parametric EQ to dial in 600hz. what version of cubase are you using? (LE, SX, ect...)

Thanks for the plug Johnnyc