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i just tried a telecaster tonight. i absolutely fell in love with the one i played. it was a '69 thinline. this thing is fricken awesome. however i was really confused when i got to the store to try them out. there was like 15 different types of teles. i think i'm gonna get it. does any one know of any different teles that are good? i was lookin for a jimmy page type sound and i think i hit it pretty good with the 69 thinline. suggestions please
The thinline is one of my 3 favorite Teles. The other two are the '54 reissue in butterscotch, and the Tele Special with a humbucker for th neck pickup (which I own). You can never go wrong with adding a Tele to your collection. Wanna stand out? Play a Telecaster!

tele story

During the taping of the "SuperSession" album with Mike Bloomfield and Al Cooper,Cooper is waiting at the Boston studio for Bloomfield as a violent snowstorm rages outside.The door opens and Mike Bloomfield comes in carrying his tele,no case.The axe is covered with snow,so Bloomfield bangs the indestructable tele against the wall a few times to knock the snow off.They then went on to track Season of the Witch.
I used to have a butterscotch tele.Like most of the axes I sold,I wish I had it back!I've seen a lot of country guys (here in Ft Worth) who have teles with the humbucker in the bridge position.I'd like to see H2H's neck-position version.I don't recall ever seeing one before.Was it custom shop?

They must have to modify the bridge to get a humbucker on there. I guess you couldn't use the real Tele bridge anymore. I like that Twang you get from it! It's a must on the Tele for me.
The neck HB lets me get a roar out of it when I want it. It also has a 5 pos switch.

Here's a link-

Mine looks exactly like the one pictured but with a maple board. Try one out, it's really sweet :)

Oh, and it looks like they're calling it the "Fat Hot-Rodded" Tele now. They're always re-naming things over at FMIC.
