Teddie (Smart Apple) gets MORE airplay on 98Rock in Baltimore - Aug 20th 10:30pm EST.


New member

98Rock in Baltimore called my home again this morning to let me know they are going to play another one of my songs this coming Sunday (Aug 20th 10:30pm EST).

I'm pretty happy.

I found out that they actually stream their broadcast on their website: http://www.98online.com/listen.html so if you want to listen, that'd be cool. I wish I knew they streamed the broadcast when they played my song "Which Way?" back in July. But that's okay, cuz I taped that one and put it here: http://mp3.com/smartapple

Anyway, just thought I'd share the NEW news with my H/R buddies!

Great news Teddie! Congratulations!

I asked you a while back what you sent the radio station, CD or single, but I forgot to ask you what format it was in. Did you send him a DAM, or a CDR? Just curious.

CMiller, thanks bro... yeah, pretty exciting for me. Check out my post about the other air-play I got on another station in my area (I missed this freakin' one and didn't get to hear the broadcast): https://homerecording.com/bbs/showthread.php?threadid=15591
Pretty ironic... or coincidental... one of those.
By the way, regarding the CD's, I send them home burns.

Memo, my friend... that would be cool man. Let me know if you're able to hear it from their website. Cool!
Congrates again Teddie, I'm just curious, which song are they gonna play? "Which Way" again, or another, or do you even know yet? ........Ray J
RayJ, thanks man... I actually don't know this time, so it'll be somewhat of a surprise for me. I'd be surprised if it wasn't Morning Light though.
I heard my song on the 98Rock broadcast tonight. It was once again very cool.

I thought 98Rock was going to play "Morning Light" this time, but they played "Which Way?" again -- which is fine with me and I am completely grateful.