Techno-Archeology: TimeLine Product Documentation and Upkeep

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One of my LYNX II is loosing it's settings if its rebooted.
Battery is fine so its something else...RAM??

Does anyone have the schematics for these.
I only have the manual.

May I just add to the end of this thread, my sincere thanks to everyone involved ! I just strolled in and got precisely what I wanted for free .. as my son would say "You guys are awesome .."

Edit:- I may be able to add a tiny little piece of information that after huge amounts of searching I could not find here.

On the Lynx 1 FILM module, I could not find a pinout. notes for the Eprom but not the pins. What I needed to do was to attach an encoder to a shaft and read the timecode from there.

It will not surprise you to learn that the pins are the same on the Lynx2 film card as the Lynx1 dedicated film box.
So in my application of adding an encoder to a film playback machine.

On the 50 pin Transport plug

Pin 1 :- GND
Pin 16 :- BiPhase A
Pin 17 :- BiPhase B

Almost no encoders (certainly those fitted to older film equipment) have a consumption of less than 50ma so it's important to rig up an external power supply ..
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5(B). Service Bulletin #SB 93-001, Date: ?
Title: MIDI Time Code Master
Requirement Level: Optional
Brief Description: Unknown contents, however this document is known to exist (a photo of what appears to be original issuance paperwork appeared on a Reverb-dot-com sale posting completed on 12/23/2017).
Anyone with a copy of this document is asked to please take some pictures of it, or scan it to PDF if possible, so that the contents can be preserved for posterity.
A big thank you for all this documentation! I have a couple of things to add. I've attached the Micro Lynx Service Bulletin No. 93-001 MIDI Time Code Master and a Prom Installation Guide for the Micro Lynx.


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Hey All,

Thanks for these very informative threads. Miroslav, if you don't mind, can you clarify which protocol you choose on your MicroLynx for your MX80? The only one that comes up on my transport menu is the MX70, on version 1.34.

I used the information re: cables to construct my own Microlynx to MX80 (OTARI Type A) cable, and it beeps out fine!

Of course now , I too am having the same problems as zhou, I get No Transport Available message, and I'm investigating a PROM burner for possible solution to this,

...and issues with another Otari remote, the CB-120B Autolocator. The remote display powers up and counts tape position properly when the reels are spun by hand, but locks up all transport commands so that the machine and the CB-124 transport buttons have no effect on the machine. Another PROM issue?

These old units are melting before our eyes... Thankfully my MX80 and CB-124 run on their own happily, however the allure of also having my MTR-10 join the band with ProTools and the MicroLynx is a distant dream for now :-)

Just thought I'd ask the pros in this thread if they have any sage advice. Thanks for reading!

View attachment 109176
A bit off topic, but do you happen to have a manual for the CB-120 you can share?
A bit off topic, but do you happen to have a manual for the CB-120 you can share?
Oh, I hope someone out there does. I also have the autolocator but have never really been able to figure it out how to make it do anything useful. The Otari came with a nice set of manuals, but only for the multitrack itself, not the accessories.
Oh, I hope someone out there does. I also have the autolocator but have never really been able to figure it out how to make it do anything useful. The Otari came with a nice set of manuals, but only for the multitrack itself, not the accessories.
I will definitely post it if I ever find one.
Just wanted to say — just picked up a micro lynx on the way with no power supply or cables, and thank you all for contributing. This is going to be super helpful. Yay internet!