Tech Help For A Noob?


New member
Hey guys,
Basically I want to be able to record bands live but have each instrument on it's own track, as opposed to layering all the tracks on top of each other. In a discussion I had with an employee at the local music shop a PCI card was mentioned, but I didn't really understand. So if you guys could let me know how I'd go about achieving this with minimal cost (I would need no more then 6 channels) and if it would be doable with my current software (Reaper). I've posted this on a few other forums and haven't received an answer yet so i figure you guys are the people to ask. Thanks heaps in advance :D
Seems like you need a multi-channel audio interface. This could be a PCI card, but you can also get USB or Firewire devices. Do a search for audio interfaces. There are now many out there.
I don't suggest PCI; that standard is on its way out in favor of PCIe (which isn't compatible with standard PCI cards). Yes, you need an audio interface. Depending on how many tracks you need, you should go with either USB or FireWire. FireWire tends to be better for larger track counts.

Well, if you're trying to do 48 tracks or something, then PCI (or preferably PCIe), but otherwise....
So an interface will give guitar and bass and vocals etc theyre own different tracks on the computer? So i can delete some and pan others etc? Coz at the moment we just run it through a PA head and its quite awful. Also will I need new software with an Interface?
So an interface will give guitar and bass and vocals etc theyre own different tracks on the computer? So i can delete some and pan others etc? Coz at the moment we just run it through a PA head and its quite awful. Also will I need new software with an Interface?

Yes. You can do all that and more. If you are using Reaper, you can continue to use it. It will recognise the interface and give you the appropriate number of input channels.
Thanks so much for the help guys :)
Ive ordered in a Tascam US-800. It came with Cubeas and I thaught it was very reasonably priced compared to some of the other Interfaces Ive seen on the net. What other advantages comes with an Interface?