teac a3340 record eq

My Name

New member
Hi guys,

Has anyboy had the same problems when seting up the 3340 the record eq section has no effect...

I'm having the same problem with my a 6100 aswell

I'm using tdk GX35 tape which could be the cause as I'm unsure of the bias setting.

Any ideas?

I ran into that same stumbling block. I was trying to even out the high-end between tracks on a A-3440, and it just couldn't be done with the record EQ tweaker. Not sure what it does, or why it's there, but it did NOT alter the high frequencies in any noticeable way, now matter where I tweaked it.

I posted this exact same question some time ago, and no one responded. My advice would be to either

1. deal with it (clean/demagnetize the heads, and just equalize your tracks pre-tape and/or post-tape to even out the high end)

2. get the manual

Being the cheapskate I am, I chose #1.

You have to keep in mind that decks like the 3340 and 6100 were firstly designed for consumer home use with the available tape stock of the day which wasn't all that different from each other other then some brands having better consistency in the oxide coatings and others offering back coatings to strengthen the tape against stretching and reducing print through.

The actual bias and eq settings between all of these various tape brands were quite similar and is probably why these switches offer little audible effect from one position to the other.

If you are looking for better high frequency response, try under biasing in the calibration process but keep in mind this action will induce audible distortion quicker on the meters then proper bias settings.

Cheers! :)

if memory serves that EQ is not an equalizer... but rather applies a different bias frequency... easily misunderstood by many... do you have the manual?? dont think its going to be possible to make a recommendation with out some more info....
Thanks for the replies,

The eq I'm talking about is not the switches on the outside but the little tweaking jobbies inside when doing the setup.

I have investigated further and I have set up the machine for 350nw/m tape, but i have discovered that the tape is 200nw/m (at least I think so)

I recon that the signal must be too hot for the tape which is making the record eq prety useless.

Wadya recon?
If anyone is interested, The problem with the eq does seem to be caused by running too high levels to tape. I have worked out that the OL of my tape is 200nwb/m, but i was running signals up to and over 350nwb/m. I have adjusted the machine for the "correct" levels and the record eq now has some effect on the tape (although not very much)
I noticed the same thing with the high frequency cal, while setting up my 38. You're supposed to use a 20kHz tone I tried it with a 15kHz signal because I didn't have a 20k signal. I tried it just on one channel to see and it didn't seem to effect anything. But the normal bias cal worked the way that it should. It said in the manual that the high bias adjustment only made a 1db difference, but it had no effect that I could see.