TC Electronic M-300

Bass Master "K"

New member
I am looking to get a nicer reverb for my DAW than the ones that come with Cubase SX, and I'm looking to spend under $300.

I have read here lots of pro Lexicon posts, and also some TC Electronic posts. In a recent GIG Magazine review the review gave the M-300 an unbelievably positive review. They have a little chart that lists pro's and con's to each product and this is first product in my 3 year subscription I ever remember them listing "Cons: None " . The reviewer said it worked as good for him in live conditions as it did in is home recording setup and thought it was a perfect addition to . It has a dual engine with one dedicated only to the verbs and the other to the rest of the effects.

It lists at $299 but through a deal I am able to get my hands on one for less than $200. Has anyone used this unit and can you tell me what you think of it? I haven't been able to find many reviews of it.
I use the M300 and am very happy with it. It has balanced outs and digital I/O, unlike the campareable Lexicon unit, MPX-200, and is generally $250 at GC. Under $200 is a distinct deal, and I would do it in a heartbeat. What the hell, it's not a bad de-esser. Also, I find it more user-friendly than the Lexicon, you don't need to be an engineer to read the user's manual.-Richie
Thanks for the advice and the heads up on the review.

Ya, I have a friend who worked me a killer deal on a new unit so I went for it. While I can't afford a $3000 dedicated verb unit, I needed something a little better than what I seemed to be getting from SX for vocals, and I had heard good things about Lex's and TC Electronic.

I got it home and am looking forward to playing a bit with it. The other effects are just the iceing on the cake as far as I'm concerned. The unit looks VERY user friendly.