
James Thorsen

New member
Ok, I'll have pictures up a little later tonight, but I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction...

I have a Teac/Tascam reel to reel 4 track - on it, it reads "Tascam Series 70" tape recorder...it also gives info that it is (117v A.C.), (60hz) and (200 w). It also says on the front "Teac audio systems - Model 702 power supply"

I'll give you some more info...The present state of the four track is in a wooden cabinet...On one side, there are the reel to reel and on the other side is a bunch of inputs and stuff (uhh, I guess that doesn't really give much more info)

Has anyone worked with this machine...I desperately need help.

Thanks in adavance.
There were 4 different models in the 70s Series introduced in 1974:
1) 2 track, 1/4 inch master recorder
2) 4 track 1/4 inch reel-to-reel
3) 4 track 1/2 inch reel-to-reel
4) 8 track 1/2 inch reel-to-reel

What kind of HELP?