TASCAM Wallpaper

Hey Jeff,
I tried sendin' you some more pics of my TEAC 360s last night,
but unfortunately...the email keeps comin' back to me.
First I tried sendin' 15 pics, then 10, then 8, then...etc,etc...
No luck. Don't know what I'm doin' wrong.
Gonna try again today.

I'll post a couple here again 'til I figure it out.

You should check with your email provider what the attachment size limit is. Most these days are between 10 to 20 megs. Mine is 20 for sending and 10 for receiving. If you're trying to send 15 or 10 or even 5 full sized, uncompressed jpegs, you could easily exceed that so check the file sizes and just send one or two at a time.

Cheers! :)
Found a hidden gem in my cassette collection that I didn't think I even had! :drunk:


Cheers! :)
These Photos are fantastic. You've always been a real (no pun intended) asset to this site, always doing just a little bit more to make it more interesing .
thanks again man.
EXCELLENT work Jeff! Got 'em on my desktop along with a couple others.
I really like the black & white one,...but the color one, looks like an ad. that TEAC would actually do,..
actually,...it looks better than an ad. TEAC would do. Good stuff!!!
Thanks and glad you liked them!

In truth, the grain and noise in the pictures was overwhelming and really restricted much of what I could do with them. :o

Let's hope Santa brings you a better camera this Christmas! :D

Cheers! :)
Naw...sold it toooo...hm...sold it to somebody awhile ago after tearing my hair out trying to use it to sync my 58 to my DAW. The ES-50/51 only speaks SMPTE and also won't do a complete auto-setup without two machines connected so the 58 would go into runaway when locating the DAW to another point in the timeline.

BUT...it was very well-made. Clearly, to me anyway, a well-designed unit with quality components and the specs were good...nice dynamic auto-calibrate process and such.

I like my TimeLine Micro Lynx better. That's old news.
Yeah, I watched the video where you showed it getting lost as the lifters wouldn't disengage in fast wind modes and would lose it's place. I remember when TASCAM was boasting about all the different synchronizers out there that it, (58), would be compatible with yet they never managed to make it compatible with their own gear! :laughings: :(

Oh well.

Cheers! :)
In Tascam's defense it would be WONDERFULLY compatible with the 58 but I didn't have a second machine to hook up. The ES-50/51 requires that a tape machine (audio, video or combination of the two) be connected to the slave and master ports to complete the auto calibrate procedure. My calibrate procedure would drop out before it got to learning the 58's tach pulses which is why it would turn into a runaway. The 58 was outputting tach pulses but the ES-50 had quit the calibration before learning about them because it said "you only got one machine hooked up...I'm going to stop now so you can hook another one up and then we can do this again."