TASCAM videos


New member
Hey - anyone ever looked at the TASCAM videos they put out for their portastudios? There's a beginner one and another one for advanced stuff. I'm looking at buying a 424 mkIII for my first machine and am curious how helpful the videos would be, especially since I don't know anyone around here with experience to give me tips!
Hi! teach i never seen the tascam videos but i bought a tutorial video for my boss DR-5 drum machine and I thought it was a real rip off.I learned more on my own reading the manual than watching that stupid tape.
Dont be afraid to post your topic elseware on this site,im sure someone has bought the tape your asking about.Dont worry about not knowing anyone with experience you can get any question you have answered right here at HOMERECORDING BBS.

Try the home page lots of INFO.

I haven't seen the Tascam Portastudio video tutorial, but I'd like to. It is listed on the Tascam website for $29.99. At Christmas time I saw it at Zzounds for $5, so I ordered it, what the hey? But they deleted my order, saying it wasn't available.

I think I'm gonna try to get a local dealer to order it so they can loan it out to purchasers - seems only fair and good business, eh? That way I won't get burned to the tune of $30.
I have a hard time believing that the videos are going to teach you anything you couldn't learn from having the machine for a week. Its real user friendly, and there are lots of folks willing to help should you find any confusion. Welcome to the club!
Thanks jimimac, Raj, and lazyboy! You are probably right about the manual being your best source of info. Still no response from anyone who has actually SEEN the videos....if you hear anything about them from someone who has, let me know, ok?

Thanks again!
I have the Tascam video tutorial for another product, the TM D1000 mixer. It's a handful for a newbie and the (extensive) manuals are themselves pretty steep going. So the video tutorial was welcome, even though it was a bit on the campy side.

One thing with videos, though; remember that you have only sequential access to information. You have to sit through the whole thing to know whether there's anything good on it. To Tascam's credit, they included an index with mine that has timer numbers corrolated with topical areas; that makes the thing more useful. But if I had to pay another 30 bucks, I would first spend a little time with user forums, and experiment with the unit itself until I knew what questions I wanted answered.
I just discovered this post; I had made reference to that particular video in an earlier question.

What the video has done for me in two viewings is smooth the transition to the manuals and the logic behind digital itself. Spending decades in pro analog studios prepared me not a whit for the realm of today's digital domain, even on such a modest scale as the Tascam.

And I gotta re-ask: are Tascam mic preamps that crummy, as stated in a rec.pro newsgroup posting? My little Mackie vlz's mic inputs are sooo quiet I figured the Tascam had to be at least as fine.
