Tascam US-1800 for my needs..


New member
Hey everyone!

I was just curious if the US-1800 Tascam would suit my needs for a home/studio interface? I use to use the Toneport UX2 and the Jamvox(Such buddy drivers), and I used a USB/Midi connection in order to connect my keyboard to the computer. I was wanting to get rid of all these different Interfaces and go to just one clean, fast, and efficient interface.

Something that the drivers wont pop and click like the Jamvox does when I try to play midi and guitar at the same time (I use the Jamvox drivers for the midi because they are the ones with the least amount of latency). Anyways, I figured it'd be easiest if I could just have my guitar/mics/midis all going into one thing like the Tascam 1800, and it was recommended on here to me before.

So, my question, would this be ideal for me? IS this the way I need to go? How are the 64 bit drivers? (I use Windows 7 64 bit).

Just in case you guys wonder about my comp specs

i7-870 Lynnfield
8 Gigs of DDR RAM
HD 5850 GFX card
650 GB HDD
Windows 7 64 bit

What do you all think? I mainly want something that we can do multi-track recording with little latency/popping clicking. My friend usually plays the keyboard which we have using the Quantum Leap sound effects through Reaper, and I usually have my guitar plugged in plus a mic for myself and for him.

Would the tascam be able to handle all that well enough?

I also have a SHURE Sm7B mic that was given to me. Is this mic a good enough vocal mic and, if so, does the Tascam have good enough pre-amps for it to be used?

Thanks for any answers you guys have!
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