Tascam US-1800 and Pro Tools 10?


New member
Hey guys
I just installed pro tools 10 and i'm having some problems setting up my interface with it, if anyone can shed some light, would be greatly appreciated!

Pro Tools reads my interface just fine with no problems, however there is a huge delay when im monitoring.

In my H/W Buffer Size, i only see 1 option that says 128 samples, and i cant change that as their aren't any other options.

In my Tascam Interface, for latency i selected "Low Latency" (if i select any of the others, i can't open up pro tools as it tells me to change my buffer size)

Help would be appreciated! :)

How huge is huge? What latency do you have with a 128 sample buffer. On my system (I don't use Tascam or Pro Tools), 128 samples is plenty fast enough to monitor. How about using the zero latency hardware monitoring instead?
about a 2 second delay, i've used presonus studio one 2 before and never experienced this. My Interface control panel only gives me the option of 2 (that work) Highest Latency and Low Latency, suprisingly the highest latency option (512 samples i think) works with a minimal delay in monitoring

How would i go about using the zero latency h/w monitoring?

about a 2 second delay, i've used presonus studio one 2 before and never experienced this. My Interface control panel only gives me the option of 2 (that work) Highest Latency and Low Latency, suprisingly the highest latency option (512 samples i think) works with a minimal delay in monitoring

How would i go about using the zero latency h/w monitoring?


I'm not sure about the Tascam unit, but on mine (Roland Quad Capture), you can change what comes out of the interface (either to headphones, monitors, or both) by turning a dial. If turned all the way to input, you hear only what's going in via mic or guitar, etc. If turned to playback, you hear what's coming out of the computer. In the middle mixes the two signals, so you can hear your music while tracking vocals, say.

Two seconds is a very long delay - is there any processing on the track you're monitoring? Is Pro Tools using the ASIO driver?
Have you updated and downloaded the most recent Tascam Driver's? Mine works fine with PT9HD. I only use the 128 sample for monitoring while recording. It's not 0 latency, but it's so close that it doesn't sound phasey while recording. I then switch to 1024 for everyday mixing/editing. 128 should not have a delay. My guess is you need to update the driver or perhaps even as lame as this next suggestion is, trying a new different USB cable and slot? Make sure you're going direct into a USB 2.0 jack on your computer with a USB 2.0 cable.

After double checking all of that, if it still sin't working correctly try it with another program and if see if it's still an issue (so you can islolate whether it's PT10 causing the issue or the Tascam). Get Audacity Free. That's what i use to to test my hardware with if I am experiencing any issues so i can isolate the problem. If it's doing the same thing in Audacity, it's the Tascam. Call up their tech support - they actually speak English and answer the phone! Oh and they usually solve your problems! What a concept in this day in age!

If it's not the Tascam, it's probably PT10. Get in touch with their community.

Good luck!
In my Tascam Interface, for latency i selected "Low Latency" (if i select any of the others, i can't open up pro tools as it tells me to change my buffer size)

Sounds like PT is arguing with some extra software.
Quit any tascam mixer/interface software and try again.

PS. I don't have a Tascam. I'm just taking a stab here.