Tascam Troubles - Not sure if this is the right forum


New member
Hi, I had a load of problems With my Tascam 564 Portastudio last night. I seemed to be getting record error after record error. I was trying record two tracks of drums from my drum machine and two tracks of guitar. I have been using the tascam for months and have encountered record errors before but none of this magnitude. Could it be the signal level is too high ?? I spent alot of time getting the levels right. Could heat be a factor I did notice it was particulary warm the room i was recording in. Later i put an external fan on the tascam and it seemed to work better for a bit. Or do you think it may be in need of repair. Any help would be greatley welcomed. Also two of the HD data disks it uses went blank while ouitside of the machine. I have a denon hi fi and two speakers that i use to monitor, on my work top, is it possible that the speakers would blank the disks if one was waved in front of them
If you look further down the list of forums you'll see that there is one dedicated to users of Tascam equipment on this site. Just to let you know.
I doubt the audio levels are the problem but heat definately could be. Placing magnetic disks on top of speakers or video monitors can erase them also. I would try to keep it cool and call a repair center if the problem persists.
The Minidisc should not be affected by a speaker's magenetism,...

as it's really only sensitive to laser-light, like a CDRW.

I read your problem on Tascambbs, and I'd say perhaps heat may be part of the problem, especially if you notice the unit getting excessively hot, which I think would be unusual, since the 564 normally runs cool, but if it's placed on top of other equipment that's running hot, then this could be the cause.

The other idea, already suggested, is that if the laser lens is dirty, then a blast of compressed air from a can may clean this up.

Beyond that, a persistent "REC ERR" on the 564 means that the MD mechanism probably needs a service/alignment, preferrably by TEAC in Montebello, CA.

The most common way to lose your tracks on a MD Portastudio 564, is to power off the unit before TOC is updated, which occurs whenever the disc is ejected normally, or when you change program/songs. Any time the TOC light is flashing on the 564, it means that the data is not yet saved to the disc.

Also, if you've lost an entire disc's worth of program material without explanation, it may be another clue pointing you in the direction of service/alignment problems. TEAC/Tascam Service would be the best resource to service the 564.

Good luck.