Tascam porto 02 as a make shift two track recorder


New member
Hi I want to use a Tascam porta 02 as a make shift tape recorder for mix down of demos from my tascam 564 is this possible if so which tracks should i use 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 etc, appreciate would only be mono. Ta
:cool: If you want to play the same tape from the 02, use trks 1&2, but the configuration of the head is still not quite to the usual standard stereo cassette head. If all your mixs are mono, you can use any track, just have to rewind at the end of tape after each play of track, Also you will have to allways use the 02 for the play back machine.

The speed of the multitrack will not be easy to calibrate to stereo cassette speed. You will need to get the porta 2s speed controls juuuussst right.

It can be done but the bear is right. You'd be better off finding a soundblaster equipped computer and make a crappy mp3 out of it afterward.