Tascam Porta One


New member
I'm new to recording but I'm using a really old Tascam Porta One as my pre-amp.
Anyone familiar with the Porta One? Could this be responsible for a bad recording? And finally, if using the Porta One as a pre-amp is a bad idea, any suggestions on a reletively cheap/decent one to purchase?
what sources are you recording thru the Porta One and what do you call "bad" recordings....you wont get great recordings using that as a preamp but you can get usable results.....i found that a good pre made the biggest difference, right up there with decent studio monitors, on recording quality......if you just need 1 channel, the Art Tube MP or the new DBX unit at $99 are both real good...if you need several channels, a small Mackie mixer would be a good option.....