Hey Transcendental,
How did you get your Midiizer to show the EPROM versions in the display?
It sounds like you didn't just replace EPROMS in your test, but swapped the whole board, is that right?
Your LCD display should show two lines of text, one is for the SMPTE / MTC sync operation, the other is the remote control functions for the recorder, play, return, fast forward, rewind, record ect. One my faulty unit one row of digits is absent when I boot up the midiizer.
I swapped the boards around to check but the problem was one of the EPROMS in the faulty machine, as it works with the working machine's EPROM swapped over. seem to remember it being the remote control & the sync was actually working.
EDIT: Here's what I wrote a few years back.......
Theres 2 EPROM memory chips in the MTS 1000, I Believe one does the time code & one does the transport, you can check if they are working OK by
following the following instructions
"After the machine is power up, press OTHER, then press UTILITY, then hold down SHIFT and OTHER together and the software version will appear on the screen."
The screen should show both "C" & "M" followed by software versions for each 2.01 / 1.60 ect. if your machine says 0.00 then that EPROM is faulty & has lost it's program.
That's the issue I had with my faulty midiizer!
You can see the utility mode in the LCD screen in my post number 22 earlier in the thread, there's a picture explaining it all. My faulty machine had 0.00 on the screen.