Tascam MFP01 mod?


New member
I have a Tascam MFP01 cassette 4 track that was given to me as a gift a few years ago. I never asked for it and it really wasnt something I could return. Unfortunately ive never been able to find a use for it (though ive tried and tried) and these things tend to have a non-existent used value

Besides destroying it :eek: does anyone have any useful tips on what I could use it for?
Give it to me!

... or give it to your kids!

The MF-P01 is simply a scratchpad recorder. That's it's target design, and that's what it's good for. Use it for that. Just low-level plinking around and practice jams. :eek: ;)
im a little young for kids :confused: But maybe ill give it to my niece or nephew when theyre old enough. Ill save it til then :D