Tascam m320 hybrid setup


New member
Hi everyone, I've recently got my m320 working and now comes time to set it up with the rest of my gear. I'm looking to incorporate it with my converters which are basically two 8 channel audio interfaces (I'll be looking to add another to utilize all channels) and use it with my daw(reaper). the goal is to track using the preamps and eqs on the console, send it directly to the interface input and back again into the line in on each channel for playback/mixing. I'm new to mixers/analog gear and want to get some insight as to how I should have everything hooked up (connections from the stereo bus, monitors, pgm/tape returns etc) and how to route correctly in reaper. Thank you!!
Hi. So you’re going to mix out of the box or in the box? Or something in between?

if it was me and I was going to be doing sometimes one thing and sometimes another, and I had 16 channels of A/D/A with an M-320 I might have the first 8 channel converter inputs connected to the direct outs of the M-320 channels 1~8, and the outputs of the converter connected to the TAPE IN jacks. This would give you flexibility to monitor DAW stems inline on the console or send individual tracks to a headphone mix during overdubs, since the TAPE IN jacks can be either the input channel primary source on the Tascam, or sourced in the AUX bussing or over in the MONITOR mixer. Then I’d probably populate the second converter box with the 4 group outputs, master out and maybe two of the AUX buss outputs on the Tascam so you could send group sums and the master sum to the DAW during tracking, overdubs or mastering, and send effects bussing to be processed by effects in the DAW. I’d take the outputs of that second converter box and connect that to the line inputs of channels 9~16 on the Tascam. With it setup this way you have the ability to send 12 mono post fader feeds to the DAW at a time, plus have your AUX and master options for effects and for mastering, and at mixdown 16 stems could be fed to the Tascam from the DAW.
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If you have two 8 channel interfaces you should be set- I don't get involved so much with set ups as I am mainly a repair person so Sweetbeats may be the best to listen to in this case. You can not do better that someone who has done what you are asking about.
Hi. So you’re going to mix out of the box or in the box? Or something in between?

if it was me and I was going to be doing sometimes one thing and sometimes another, and I had 16 channels of A/D/A with an M-320 I might have the first 8 channel converter inputs connected to the direct outs of the M-320 channels 1~8, and the outputs of the converter connected to the TAPE IN jacks. This would give you flexibility to monitor DAW stems inline on the console or send individual tracks to a headphone mix during overdubs, since the TAPE IN jacks can be either the input channel primary source on the Tascam, or sourced in the AUX bussing or over in the MONITOR mixer. Then I’d probably populate the second converter box with the 4 group outputs, master out and maybe two of the AUX buss outputs on the Tascam so you could send group sums and the master sum to the DAW during tracking, overdubs or mastering, and send effects bussing to be processed by effects in the DAW. I’d take the outputs of that second converter box and connect that to the line inputs of channels 9~16 on the Tascam. With it setup this way you have the ability to send 12 mono post fader feeds to the DAW at a time, plus have your AUX and master options for effects and for mastering, and at mixdown 16 stems could be fed to the Tascam from the DAW.
Hi Sweetbeats,

Thanks for the advice you already put out, helped a lot.
I’m also new into working with analog consoles. I recently picked up a Tascam 320 myself, and I’m planning to work with a somewhat similar hybrid setup.

I mainly work on electronic music, using a few hardware synths and drummachines that i’d like to track live, as well as some hardware stereo compressors and a 2-track hi speed Revox b77 (that I would use for tracking my stereo mix from my daw or directly from the console, but also as a tape echo).

I also have build a separate live room and i’m planning on having a 16in/8out stagebox/snake, running into the control room and connecting them to the micpre’s of the 320b (Yes is has Phantom power). I might connect them to a patchbay first to be flexible switching between live room recording and my synths/seqencers in the control room).

So basically, i’d like to be able to track multiple live instruments/drums, as well as my hardware synths/sequencers, trough the console, using the direct outs of the console to record them into my DAW. And the other way around, connecting, feeding track out of my DAW into the mixer to do some analog mixing.

I’m planning on buying a Antelope Orion 32+ Gen 3 (32 analog i/o) to bring everything together, but i’m not sure what would be the best way of connecting everything to the console and possible patchbays. Any advice on this?

Hi. So you’re going to mix out of the box or in the box? Or something in between?

if it was me and I was going to be doing sometimes one thing and sometimes another, and I had 16 channels of A/D/A with an M-320 I might have the first 8 channel converter inputs connected to the direct outs of the M-320 channels 1~8, and the outputs of the converter connected to the TAPE IN jacks. This would give you flexibility to monitor DAW stems inline on the console or send individual tracks to a headphone mix during overdubs, since the TAPE IN jacks can be either the input channel primary source on the Tascam, or sourced in the AUX bussing or over in the MONITOR mixer. Then I’d probably populate the second converter box with the 4 group outputs, master out and maybe two of the AUX buss outputs on the Tascam so you could send group sums and the master sum to the DAW during tracking, overdubs or mastering, and send effects bussing to be processed by effects in the DAW. I’d take the outputs of that second converter box and connect that to the line inputs of channels 9~16 on the Tascam. With it setup this way you have the ability to send 12 mono post fader feeds to the DAW at a time, plus have your AUX and master options for effects and for mastering, and at mixdown 16 stems could be fed to the Tascam from the DAW.
One piece of advice…do not put the mic snake on a patchbay especially with phantom power involved. That’s why you have the stage box. That’s your patchbay right there.

What else are you wanting to know?

It helps if you can be more specific about how many returns you want to manage from the DAW and how many feeds you want going to the DAW. I don’t want to read the manual for the DAW interface, so just tell me how many inputs and outputs it has. And are you intending on using the M-320B as the central hub of the studio then?