tascam m-308...


New member
is the depth and height of the m-308 the same as the tascam 388? isn't it the same mixer? i have an analog/digital setup revolved around the tascam 388 and 16 digital tracks and want to add a 308 to handle mixing on the computer. better yet, does anyone have a pdf of the manual?

The M308 has more depth, front-to-back, than the 388, but it's close,... like 2" more. The mixer section of the 388 is almost the same width than the M308, but not quite. The entire 388 is substantially wider than the M308. The 388 and M308 have distinctly different mixer sections, 8-buss/4-buss respectively, but if your previous setup featured a 388, then you may be able to *kinda* get the M308 to function in the same space. I think the height is the same, so you have that going for you.

Good luck! ;)

PS: I'll look up the dimensions of the M308 and 388, when I get a chance.

Similar but not the same. ;)

The M-308 is a decent mixer to record/mix with, if that's what ur asking. :eek: :rolleyes:
i've been browsing through the 388 manual. is it possible to use the monitor section as a simple mixer for 8 additional channels through the pgm ins? making the 388 a 16 x 2 mixer?
is the depth and height of the m-308 the same as the tascam 388? isn't it the same mixer? i have an analog/digital setup revolved around the tascam 388 and 16 digital tracks and want to add a 308 to handle mixing on the computer. better yet, does anyone have a pdf of the manual?


hay if you find a tascam m 308 pdf manual let me no i also need one thanx