Tascam M-224


New member
Hi, I'm thinking of buying a M-224 that's going cheap.
Only problem is, I was hoping to use it with a 16-track tape machine, and although there's 16 tape " in's " there's no tape outs, which would mean I could only use it for mixing, and not tracking. Have I got it wrong?
Yes, you have it wrong.

The M224 mixer is a 4 buss mixer with 8 tape out jacks on the back of it at -10db on RCA pin jacks.

You would need to get a patch bay so that you could route the 4 buss outs into the bay and from there, with jumpers, you could patch select which tracks get the buss signal to record.

Ideally, you want to have a 16 buss mixing console but, good bloody luck finding one of those for the price of a used M200 series board.

Cheers! :)
Ok, thanks a lot for your reply... I'm a little confused now, though.

I saw the 8 RCA jacks on the back, alright. I think they're marked "PGA" or something, I don't remember exactly. So, can I use these as tape outs independent of the 4 busses? Or do these corrsepond to the L / R of each of the four busses?

I even sound confused.
Where's that Larry when you need the bastard?


Buy the mixer and make sure it comes with the owner's manual. It will clearly explain with words and pictures how you would hook it all up.

Basically, the buss outs are your tape outs.

Because you have a 16 track recorder with 16 ins, and your mixer only has 4 outs, you would need a patch bay in-between them so that the 4 outs from the board would go into the patch bay and the 16 chanels of recording inputs on the recorder would also go into the patch bay and then with jumpers, you would "patch" select the chanels you wished to record to.

You will need a patch bay with a total of 64 connection points. 32 on the back and 32 on the front where you will use the jumpers.

Does somebody have a link to Larry Robinson's web page with that article called, Mixers;How to choose???

Cheers! :)
-YES- The answer is yes.

The M224, being a 4-buss board, would have [4] PGM OUTS, & each PGM OUT would have a LINE-OUT & AUX-OUT, which are TWO jacks supplying the SAME OUTPUT, in PARALLEL.

This design makes it most useful for adapting 8-track INPUTS to 4-PGM-OUTs, without repatching. Just drive TAPE INPUTS 1-4 off PGM-OUT 1-4 [LINE OUT], and TAPE INPUTS 5-8 off PGM-OUT 1-4 [AUX OUT], respectively.

YES,- to use this M224 board effectively with a 16-track recorder, you'd be repatching to suit the occasion, either with or without a regular patch bay.

It's doable, though.;)