tascam fw-1082 question


New member
is there a way to assign the effects sends in cubase le to the controller's faders or rotary encoders? would this be done in the device settings under user defined keys in cubase (f1, f2,f3 etc..), in the control panel function of the 1082, like midi programming? anyone?
starsxandxslits said:
the effects sends in cubase le
In my experience, Cubase LE is a sadly handicapped version of the real thing. I suspect it may not be possible to do what you seek because the software doesn't support it, not because your controller is deficient.

I'm not sure what options you would have with Cubase I've just started with Sonar 6 and you use the Mackie control surface for the FW1082. There are a ton of assignments listed for it but I'm extremely green with both the FW1082 and Sonar 6.

I have to say the FW1082 is an amazing little gadget it slices it dices etc.

I just discovered last night I can hook 2 other mixers in combination with 2 1010lts and control the whole conglomeration from the TASCAM it saves a lot of spinning around in my chair.

I bought this originally as an interface for my laptop along with a Motu Ultralite for both the laptop and a Vista machine. Still waiting for the Motu but the Tascam is worth its weight in gold. I don't use the preamps on the unit but
so I can't compare them to others but I didn't a quick test and they OK.
when you click on the send it shuld be assigned to the rotary... then if you hit flip it should go to the fader.... when all else fails...RTFM...