Thank you so much. Looks to be exactly what I need.
I was laying in bed last night with the manual thinking about how the ES-50 could work in my situation. I've already purchased the ES-50 / ES-51 and may not be able to return them, so I'm invested in these lovely ladies.
I'd like to record multitrack on my 388 -> dump to DAW -> record another bunch of tracks on the 388 -> dump to DAW with the
388 chasing the DAW's clock -> repeat.
[MENTION=79692]sweetbeats[/MENTION]: do you think the following would work? (until I get a proper Timeline Micro Lynx):
1. Record 8 tracks on the 388 normally
2. Dump to DAW with no syncing - just straight dump
3. Create/import a SMPTE track into a new track in the DAW (this can be a 50-minute SMPTE audio file that can be reused in all projects of this kind - maybe even as part of a template so it gets auto-imported in)
4. On a new tape, stripe SMPTE on track 8 across the whole tape (I suppose you could do this to all your tapes ahead of time so this is already done)
5. Create a new mono mix track in the DAW
6. Go to the beginning of the tape and the beginning of the DAW session and get the 388 to chase the SMPTE in the DAW using the ES-50 and record the mono mix, in sync, on track 1
7. Record new performances to tape on tracks 2-7 (no DAW involved here, just musicians tracking over the mono mix on the tape)
8. Once the new tracking is finished on the tape, go to the beginning of the tape and the beginning of the DAW session and get the 388 to chase the SMPTE in the DAW using the ES-50
9. Dump all new 388 tracks to DAW in one pass (on separate DAW tracks) from beginning to end with no timeline jumping on the DAW timeline
10. Repeat steps 5-9
This would probably be my workflow anyway. I would like to be on the 388 the majority of the time I'm tracking. Once the tracks are in the DAW and tracking is over, though, I can do analog or digital mixing. I can also reuse all the tapes for future sessions.
It's not the super-cool full-sync solution I was imagining, but it should let me dump new tracks recorded on the 388 to chase-sync to the DAW clock.
I haven't gotten the 388/SMPTE sync cable made yet so I don't know if any of this will work. Still need to test.
Can I ask: do you think this workflow would work? Also, when does the syncing go crazy? When you move the DAW timeline and hit play too far forward or back? How far is too far? Are there any tricks to getting the most usable response?
Thanks again for all your help!!