I would say Don't Fret It!
I hear people say they don't know how to this or that all the time. I had a coworker who was totally stressed about not being able to do things in Excel like I could. A year later, she was building spreadsheets that were far beyond what I was building. You can learn, and when you hit a bit of a wall, just put in Google "How do I ...... DP24SD. I'll bet several videos will pop up. I still do that with Reaper, and I've been using it for 7 or 8 years.
Start simple, plug in a microphone, put in an SD card, learn how to arm a channel to record, and hit the record button. It's not like it's going to cost you a dime. Do it, erase it, do it again. Listen to it and try to add a second track. Do it again. If you don't like it, erase it and start over. We learn by doing. You can't read a book and suddenly know everything there is to know.
It's not any more difficult that sitting down at a 64 channel mixing board, with a dozen knobs per channel, a patch bay with outboard compressors and EQs, and a 24 track tape deck. Everyone who recorded analog years ago did that, right? It was all so simple then... not!
There's truth in the phrase "practice makes perfect".