Tascam DP 02-CF - Midi Out doesn't work


New member


I hope I can find a user here that has quite some experience with the Tascam DP02-CF.
For weeks I'm desperate to find a solution for the following problem:

I am trying for weeks now to get the MIDI OUT of my Tascam DP02-CF connected and synchronized to my Alesis SR-18 (via Midi Clock..). It does not work! Via tests I figured out that the problem stems from the Tascam DP02-CF Midi out. There is just no Midi signal coming out while recording- no matter what I do. (I've tested it in connecting a "Midi Solutions Thru Box" at the Midi Out.)
If there is anybody out there who can help me please don't hesistate to drop me a few lines..

Here is what I did up to now:
- Prepared the setting according to manual:
Midi Out: "CLK".
TEMPO: "100"
TIME SIG: "4/4"
- Tested out 2 different Midi Cables.
- Consulted Tascam Support (no reply), Shop Support (Thomann, no reply).
- Googled the www from A to Z several times.
- I was also asking other users. Up to now nowbody could help me on this.

Is my DP02-CF not working correctly?
Is there anything that I do wrong in the settings?
Is there anybody that can confirm having succesfully used the midi out of the Tascam DP02-Cf? (or is it a general problem of this machine?)
To know this would be of great use for me.

Thanks for any reply on this here!
I want to say that there is another option in that menu that might be to blame. I'm not positive of it though. If my son goes down for a nap soon, I'll fire mine up and see if I can help duplicate/solve the problem.;)
I want to say that there is another option in that menu that might be to blame. I'm not positive of it though. If my son goes down for a nap soon, I'll fire mine up and see if I can help duplicate/solve the problem.;)

Hi there,

I appreciate you guys being round and checking things!

@arcaxis: I checked with your settings, everything is in place the same way. Also the ins and outs appear to be ok. I don't have a pc interface with my midi. But the midi solution thru box shows with a led if something is incoming. The led however never lits up in this case:( -

@jjones1700: I'm damn curious if you can duplicate this. In a way I hope you CAN duplicate this (which means my machine hasn't any technical problems) and at the same time I hope you come across an idea how to fix it ;-)
Hi there,

I appreciate you guys being round and checking things!

@arcaxis: I checked with your settings, everything is in place the same way. Also the ins and outs appear to be ok. I don't have a pc interface with my midi. But the midi solution thru box shows with a led if something is incoming. The led however never lits up in this case:( -

@jjones1700: I'm damn curious if you can duplicate this. In a way I hope you CAN duplicate this (which means my machine hasn't any technical problems) and at the same time I hope you come across an idea how to fix it ;-)

Doh! I had typed up a long response to this and then I go through and reread your original post, only to find out the problem is with RECORDING.:o Let me see what I've got to sync the MIDI with. I had already hooked it up to my PC and was playing back stuff with the identical settings just fine. I'll report back soon.
Doh! I had typed up a long response to this and then I go through and reread your original post, only to find out the problem is with RECORDING.:o Let me see what I've got to sync the MIDI with. I had already hooked it up to my PC and was playing back stuff with the identical settings just fine. I'll report back soon.

Hey jjones1700,

I'm glad your son made it for a nap ;-) - Sorry you wrote a long response in vain. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best Regards from Germany!

Well, I hate to dissappoint, but I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help after all. I'm still pretty green when it comes to MIDI and the little Simmons drum kit I've got. I've probably only used it 4 times since I got it for Christmas. Never have time to mess with this stuff like I would like to. I managed to get the metronome to pass the signal to the drum kit and got a rim shot click track back from the drum kit. Other than that, I'll have to see if I can dig out the manual for the kit and program a quick bar or two into it to try that.

If you turn your metronome on and set it to "MIDI", are you getting anything?:confused:
1st of all: Thanks so much! Your time spent is by no means a waste for me. The Midi Out didn't work for me neither when I was recording nor when I was just "playing". Also I have to say that the metronome signal didn't seem to pass. So your time and efforts are of great informational use for me. As for now it doesn't look promising for me. It is interessting a fact though for me that it works for you with the PC. I think I might check the last thing that might help. The "power issue"...

@arcaxis: Thanks for your really valuable hints: Yeah it is something i suspect finally as well. The "Power Issue". It's funny you concluded the same things as me. See: What I was doing after my "Midi Thru" didn't work, was also to contact "Midi Solutions" directly, and consulting their webpage. They also recommended purchaising the Power Supply Box in order to fix this. But man! That’ll be another 50 bucks and still not sure it’ll work after all. :(. Too bad I have no other midi device at hand to test it. So after consulting you two guys. I come to my next step: I think it is probably cheapest to get me a midi interface to my PC. If it works for JJones1700 without extra power it is supposed to work for me as well. Btw. Yes I tried it without the Thru box in the beginning –same result (the reason I was buying the thru box was that I got the reasonable tip in this forum to check this option). Thanks also for the other ideas which I may check. Let me finally add a really funny thing about your post: “Midi Solutions” added the Tascam DP02cf to their list after I was contacting their support with my issue. Funny cycle in a way that it comes back now. Well researched by you!

Hey guys! Thanks for your big efforts put in my technical probs I think I gained some new valuable insight to the issue. My appreciation cannot be higher. I will keep you updated how the story goes on. Great forum anyway! You’ll hear from me! Best Regards to both of you and thanks again!

I'm always glad to help man. I think Arcaxis nailed it with a little bit of research. Good job Aa. I mainly use my bass and guitars with the DP-02. As far as MIDI, I think I used it once to lay down a basic drum track that I programmed with Sonar. I'm curious to see what solves the problem for you. I'm not sure if you would have to get a USB/Firewire interface/breakout box (Tascam US-122 or something similar) to solve the connectivity or not. Good luck man!