Tascam DP-008ex recording with two mics

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Deck Stoke

New member
Hi folks.
I have a Tascam DP-008ex.
My question is, is it possible to record with two external mics at the same time ?
My aim is to close mic my guitar amp with one mic (Audio Technica MB 3 k ), & to capture a more ambient sound with the other mic ( Samson CO1 condenser), & then blend them together.
I've just had a go with the AT mic in input A 1/4inch jack socket & the Samson in input B XLR socket using phantom power.
Only the Samson recorded any sound.
I'm wondering if,
1. I made a mistake when assigning the inputs, all though I sat with the manual and went through it step by step.
2. The AT mic or lead are dodgy.
3. The Tascam will only record with one external mic at a time.

Thank you for reading & I look forward to your replies.
I've just tested the AT mic and lead and they work fine so that's ruled out on possible problem.
Thank you.

I believe the Tascam should allow recording of two tracks simultaneously - external mics or guitar/instrument. Assuming correct routing, my first thing to do would be to leave all settings as is and swap mics around - recording a second time with both - to see if the AT works and the Sampson doesn't. Replicating the problem and ruling out a mic/cable. Hopefully.
Thank you.

I believe the Tascam should allow recording of two tracks simultaneously - external mics or guitar/instrument. Assuming correct routing, my first thing to do would be to leave all settings as is and swap mics around - recording a second time with both - to see if the AT works and the Sampson doesn't. Replicating the problem and ruling out a mic/cable. Hopefully.

Thank you for your reply.
I've found the solution to the problem on page 27 of the user manual.
' If devices are connected to both the XLR & the standard TS jacks, the TS jacks are given precedence (the XLR jacks are disabled)'.

I thought that the sound I was getting was coming from the XLR input, but I was wrong, it was coming from the 1/4" jack input using the Audio Technica mic.
I've ordered a new XLR lead to use with the AT mic, then I can use both XLR inputs & both mics at the same time.
A simple solution to a simple problem.
I hope that this of use to others.
I was using my Tascam DP-03SD as a reference, checking the manual only states "Do not plug into the XLR and standard jacks at the same time". Doesn't give a reason or explanation, but your manual offers that handy piece of info. Thanks.

It's always something simple, like routing or some odd feature such as this TS priority.
Knowing something ain't broke is also good ;)
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I was using my Tascam DP-03SD as a reference, checking the manual only states "Do not plug into the XLR and standard jacks at the same time". Doesn't give a reason or explanation, but your manual offers that handy piece of info. Thanks.

It's always something simple, like routing or some odd feature such as this TS priority.
Knowing something ain't broke is also good ;)

Thank you my friend.
Yes, knowing that it isn't broken is a big plus.
I was using my Tascam DP-03SD as a reference, checking the manual only states "Do not plug into the XLR and standard jacks at the same time". Doesn't give a reason or explanation, but your manual offers that handy piece of info. Thanks.

It's always something simple, like routing or some odd feature such as this TS priority.
Knowing something ain't broke is also good ;)

Also, the Samson condenser mic has a little light on it when it's receiving phantom power & it was lit up, that's why I assumed, incorrectly, that the Samson was the source of the sound that I was picking up.
So it appears to me that the XLR input will supply power to the mic but plugging in a mic/instrument into one of the 1/4" jack sockets will render the XLR obsolete.
Now that I know that, it's not a problem
I did some more digging and spoke with a Moderator over at the Tascam Forums.

The DP-008ex and DP-03SD do not use combo plugs for A or B Inputs. Each has a separate XLR and TS insert jack. Plugging an XLR and TS into the A Input will result in the TS taking priority, disabling the XLR. Ditto when tried on B Input. However, Plugging one into A and the other into B will work - they should both record simultaneously. The OP stated one mic was inserted into A, the other into B. That being the case, the problem may have been due to a different cause other than that explained here.

Both TS and XLR are not allowed to function simultaneously on the same A (or B) inputs because "The TS path reduces the gain of the pre-amp, and the XLR boosts it." Both cannot use the mic preamps at the same time, so TS is given priority. The manuals say "if devices are connected to both the XLR and the standard TS jacks, the TS jacks are given precedence (the XLR jacks are disabled)." They don't clarify "if devices are connected to both the XLR and standard TS jacks AT THE SAME INPUT A or B..."

Anyway, I hope this will help to clear up any future problems in this area.
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I have a DP008EX and I'm sure I've recorded successfully with an XLR plugged into one channel and a TS into the other. Has he checked the track/channel assignments. By default they are set to alternate between A & B but they can be changed. If for any reason, both inputs are routed to tracks set to the same input channel only one will record.
Problem Solved.
I got another XLR mic lead so that I could plug the two mics into each of the XLR inputs.
One mic close mic'ing the guitar amp and the other picking up a more ambient sound.
It worked brilliantly and I was able to mix the two together to get the sound that I was looking for.
I'm very happy with the result.
Thank you all for your input, much appreciated.
... and so, as they ride off into the tequila sunset, music pelts their dusty ears. Music.. Music from the tumbling tumbleweeds.. <hic!>

Screenshot (147).webp

:D:thumbs up:
I did some more digging and spoke with a Moderator over at the Tascam Forums.

The DP-008ex and DP-03SD do not use combo plugs for A or B Inputs. Each has a separate XLR and TS insert jack. Plugging an XLR and TS into the A Input will result in the TS taking priority, disabling the XLR. Ditto when tried on B Input. However, Plugging one into A and the other into B will work - they should both record simultaneously. The OP stated one mic was inserted into A, the other into B. That being the case, the problem may have been due to a different cause other than that explained here.

Both TS and XLR are not allowed to function simultaneously on the same A (or B) inputs because "The TS path reduces the gain of the pre-amp, and the XLR boosts it." Both cannot use the mic preamps at the same time, so TS is given priority. The manuals say "if devices are connected to both the XLR and the standard TS jacks, the TS jacks are given precedence (the XLR jacks are disabled)." They don't clarify "if devices are connected to both the XLR and standard TS jacks AT THE SAME INPUT A or B..."

Anyway, I hope this will help to clear up any future problems in this area.

Sorry to resurrect this thread... but since I just grabbed a DP-008EX recently, I'm glad to have come across this post, @spantini. I was worried when I saw the posts before this suggesting that you couldn't use TS/XLR sources at the same time which would have been terribly inconvenient. Though it is a little bit of a bummer that just having things plugged into the TS inputs means you can't use the XLR sources... I was hoping to have this setup and plugged in all the time, not having to switch actual input plugs but to just select the input I wanted on the machine itself.