Tascam.com: I KNEW it

I have a Tascam 388 plus a load of mics. Though I've never had any reason to use more than two at a time :(

Click on the Homepage Button and you can hear one of my songs.
I tell you what mate, tomorrow il listen to one. Right now im full of guinness and red wine so im gonna hit the sack.

Im on a 488, samson condenser, behringer compressor and wating to be sent a zoom effects processor through the post. I record my own compositions which are pop for the masses with an R n B edge and laden with Beatles influenced harmonies and melodys. Sounds confusing i know.
Im basically into pop music, but am sick of Westlife and S Club franchises cornering the 'pop' market.

Catch you l8erz
after all of this I am ready to switch to a Korg D1200 for the following reasons

1. Built in Cd
2. Specific final effects for mastering
3. 40gb hard drive
4. usb port for archiving

I have been using tascam for 14 years, but do not believe they have kept up with the DAW $1000 market.

If eproms were available I would upgrade mine, but in a way i do not want to risk damaging my 788.

I am happy with the unit itself, but by now they should have had an upgraded model out
New to this forum.. Longtime Tascam user (22+ years)

Looks like Tascam decided to kill the messenger. The last month
or so of the Tascam forum, saw a lot of posts about the new
software for the DM-24 apparently killing the headroom of that
board. Not owning that board, I have no idea about the accuracy
of that claim. But, there was definitely a 'crowd out of control'
feel to the posts. Given that almost every audio web site
pointed people to the Tascam forums for more information,
the posts about the DM-24 and Tascam's deafening silence
on the topic were a lot of bad publicity that Tascam was paying
for. Couple that with the total withdrawal of Tascam reps
from the forums a few months prior and you have a pattern
of disengagement with their users that is startling in a business
that is as competitive as audio hardware.

The new site has no forums that I can find. I didn't look too
closely, but I didn't see much about drivers for older
(discontinued?) products either. And the layout of the site
IS non-intuitive and pathetic. Ugly color schemes don't bother
me unless it is a dark blue lettering on a black background
kind of ugly. As long as I don't have to highlight text to read it.

In the future, I will probably be steering away from Tascam
equipment. I've always liked their gear, but in the digital
age, reasonable long term support (at least leave drivers
posted or archived somewhere) is a must. And it looks to me
like Tascam really can't be bothered.

So.... being the new guy here, who on this forum is a Jace
or Daniel???


For me, TASCAM died when they discontinued their superior analog multitrack recorders. We're talking the 80's and early 90's here. After that there isn't much at all. The only good thing is that TASCAM still (I hope) carries some parts, manuals for older gear and can fix things for ya. Damn, they even removed the 34B manual (in pdf) from their site. It's a good thing I had it downloaded prior to their overheauling the site ... morons ...


There goes the DM24 I was going to purchase. Guess I'll check out the Ramsa da7, they still have a product support forum.

rustyfingers said:

There goes the DM24 I was going to purchase. Guess I'll check out the Ramsa da7, they still have a product support forum.

Don't get the DM24!!!!!!!

My DM24 has been in the repair shop 5 times in the past year and a half.

There is a problem with one of the capacitor boards being too close to the heatsink. :rolleyes:

Don't get the DM24!!!!!!!

My DM24 has been in the repair shop 5 times in the past year and a half.

There is a problem with one of the capacitor boards being too close to the heatsink. :rolleyes:



IS that typical of the DM24? Seems like Ta-Scam would have some kind of recall. Thanks for the heads-up !

Boycott Tascam

It really is a slap in the face to long-time Tascam fans.

However, I am able to separate the old Tascam from the new, so I won't be dumping vintage stuff. But at this time I will steer people away from new Tascam products and send them to Fostex instead.

Fostex customer support has been outstanding -- very responsive. The early Fostex stuff wasn’t too impressive, but there are a number of areas where they have Tascam beat. Besides they haven't pissed me off yet.

Tascam has shown a complete disregard for the needs of members using the forum. At best their IT department is incompetent. At worst they have basically told all of us all to fuck off.

Right back at ya, Tascam!

Tbeck :mad:
Damn !!!!

They sure as hell have me with a delima right now !!

Anything else out there as good as a DM24, ( but dependable ) ?

Anything but the Mackie that is.

Re: Archives

Derek Verner said:
Too many of us analog fans dissed them for going digital, that they probably thought it was bad for business.

yes..sshhh....its all a covert plot to take over the audio world with digital everything and little plastic computer speakers...shssshh..
the corporate exec's cohereced by the financial tin ear bean counters want to make cheaper units and more profits....and convince everyone that MP3 files sound better by killing off competition.....this is done by eliminating communication of...


<<<<<<<SOFTWARE INTERRUPT>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<This communication has been deemed illegal under the new law that no one can speak about anything therefore related to music without paying a fine immediatley to your nearest politician as it is election time and the campaign budgets are empty>>>>>

However, if you have access to Limousines or call girls (and boys) you may offer this service instead of paying the fine here unto imposed upon you by the Millionaire club...I mean Govt. officials and Music Industry Executives>>>>>

Okay you guys, with all this banter, I have to check it out for myself!

FWIW, I predicted the Tascambbs would never come back, a long time ago. No one really knows "why", except those on the inside, but we all have our assumptions.

We all saw the anti-Tascam sentiment on those boards, in every forum, so maybe Tascam took a good, hard look at the bulk of the posts, and if they were negative in the majority, they just decided to pull the plug on it.

Not to mention the off-topic fluff that was increasing on the board, clogging it up,... but I thought it was shut down because I called TBeck a 'whiny little prick',... for which I apologized soon thereafter. Haha,... eh TBeck?

... Or, was it the flagrant violation of "the rules" that I endeavored to post links to about 10 all-Tascam-all-analog recordings I posted at NWR,... as a response to a direct inquiry for Tascam/analog recordings & examples. [See:...]


You guys, myself included, have ample reason to be upset about Tascambbs going down, and that Tascam obviously lost touch with it's user base long before that.

We were, at Tascambbs, a lively crowd, though, and maybe Tascam-corp could not stand the shining light of brilliance that we all cast upon Tascam,... about how they're losing 'it', and going down the wrong path,... toward digital-everything, and cheapness as a rule.

F/I, Cjacek asked Tascam tech support, point-blank, about the successor to the cassette-4-track 424mkIII, to which he was told [para], 'wake up & smell the coffee, get real, cassette is dead'. This was a question that many of us had, deep down, but cjacek just went to the source, and was told [para] to 'piss off'.

I'll guarantee you, that up until the last 5 years or so, that you would NOT see a majority of Tascam users casting negative comments on Tascam about how damn cheap they were,... from price point to build quality.

Speaking of pre-'98 Tascam, the quality was pretty good, IMO, although my favorite Tascams are of the early-mid-80's Tascam gear, of which quality was VASTLY SUPERIOR to anything out there, in 'semi-pro' and 'consumer' home recording gear.

No doubt, with the invention of the Portastudio, Tascam was an innovative leader and not only set the pace in the home recording market, but actually CREATED the affordable home recording equipment market,... to which every other company was destined to respond,... and ultimately overtake Tascam in many regards.

As someone stated above,... although I won't wholeheartedly hop over to FOSTEX,... in their own cheaper and dumbed-down way, Fostex actually has some innovative products and features that tops Tascam engineering, in some cases.

This, coming from the 'original' "long time user" [Tascambbs screen name],... Tascam really lost touch with it's devoted user base a long time ago, and the adversarial stance was taken by Tascam as a kneejerk reaction to defend it's half-baked and almost-there new product lines.

Tascam/TEAC, Inc., made a lot of sweeping business decisions, a long time ago, that the results of which have just 'come home to roost'. F/I, killing off analog, cassette, reel, discrete analog mixers, etc. That [IMO] alienated almost all of it's pre-'98 user base. It will continue to hurt them in the future, with Tascam very visibly falling out of the top preferred home recording gear manufacturers.

F/I, the P5 is not a robust, full-featured or adequate answer to the 424mkII, or much less the 488mkII, [eh, Benreturns?]. I mean that, with all due respect to "Havin-Fun", and "mcarp555", and the VERY RESPECTABLE WORK they do with the P5.

Further, although the 388 is regarded as the "white elephant" of Tascam products, I dare anyone to show me a better, more far reaching, high quality or full-featured all-in-one design. I dare you! In my own analysis, the 788 is not an adequate replacement for the likes of the 388,... or 488mkII,... [eh, Benreturns?],... Haha, or much less for the 8-in/8-out-on-cassette of the 238.

Don't even make me compare the Tascam 38/M30-mixer to the 788,... it is to laugh,... not to mention the TSR-8/M308-mixer. The all-digital 788 Portastudio is not an adequate replacement of those glorious analog designs of the past. That's MO, of course, and I still have the utmost respect for the likes of B.SABBATH/788 user, and several others whos names escape me at this time.

More, I think the SX-1 is a "white elephant" in it's own right, that barely competes with the likes of the Yamaha AW-4416, and that family of products, NOT TO MENTION is not comparable in the least to the likes of the MSR-16, MS-16, ATR-60/16, as paired up with the likes of an M320B or M520,... or even the M600, [eh, jake-owa?]

I believe, in my own naivete, that if Tascam wanted to lead the pack in home recording, that it could revive the "vintage/analog" market, and not only have market share, but would stand a chance of reversing the digital tide, tidal-wave, if they wanted.

Instead, a high level decision was made to change Tascam from a leader and innovator in the field, to just another second-rate me-too type of gear manufacturer.

The arrogance, indeed, of alienating a 'long time user', 'thefontmeister', 'cjacek', and 'mark7',... not to mention 'Derek Verner', in the march toward progress,... is not a sound business decision.

Yeah, how does Tascam even float the slogan, "innovator in recording for over 30 years", when it's losing market share daily to other more savvy digital gear mfr's, while it's simultaneously pissing on it's 30-year devoted user base?

Time will tell. In the meantime, I don't think they'll respond to criticism, or even take it seriously,... as long as there's a "digital-is-IT" mentality that's controlling the company.

F/I, they long ago stopped focusing on how to make tape drives and better discrete analog mixers, completely dropped the ball, to focus exclusively on the digi-bred mixer, hard disc storage & DAW controller market.

I'm not one to step out and predict the future, but I think this was a big mistake, that will continue to diminish Tascam's impact in the home recording market, more & more as time goes on.

In the end, HRcom/Tascam & HRcom/Analog forums remain one of the last outposts, where 'long time users' of every sort can gather and talk about home recording,... with lots of knobs & faders, NO MENUS, and the ever present spinning of TAPE. This is it, the "Alamo" of analog. Remember [the] Analog: HRcom.

My history's a little fuzzy, but didn't we lose the Alamo, too, only to regain it later? Someone, [DV], pls correct me if I'm wrong.

BTW, That, & among others, shouts go out to my man, Derek Verner! Hi Derek!;)

PS: I'll continue to recommend TASCAM gear, and that prospective buyers should go straight to EBAY, leap-frogging completely over TASCAM/TEAC, Inc., as [IMO] they have nothing to offer.
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