Tascam 788 - No remain


New member
Hoping that someone can help me out....Had my 788 for a few months now and have recorded 11 songs in 24 bit quality. They sound great. When recording I could free up space by 'deleting unused'...that was fine.

I'm now ready to master and record to CD. Have followed the instructions and have started to pre-master, only to get message 'no remain' after pre-mastering only the second song....

Have looked into the disc space and the readings are as follows

IDO Pt 1 - 2mb
IDO Pt 2 - 4091mb
IDO Pt 3 - 1431mb

So I can summise that IDO Pt1 is full, thus getting the 'no remain' message. SO I guess my question is 'how can I free up more space for the mastering process?' or 'How do I utilise the space on the other 2 drives'..this might be one of the same answer.....

Any help/suggestions would be really appreciated, there is 4 months of work, so far gone into this CD!!

Thanks in advance - Jonny_boy

PS Am running version 1.03
Hi Jonny,

As I (and you) can tell, you are out of memory on your partition, so the only thing I can suggest is to do a 'song copy' to partition 2 where you have plenty of space, and then mastering it over there.

Be patient! Song copy takes a long time. So, set it up at a time when you have other things to do and let it grind away.

After the song copy finishes, before you do anything else, save that song as data back-up on CD. Then get into mastering. After you master, save as data back-up again (which will include the mastering). Best to play it safe, especially with 4 months' worth of work.

And, one recommendation, get yourself up to the latest version of the operating system, either by ordering the EPROM or by CD (not sure what Tascam is offering for the 788 now), but get it before it is gone, because the 788 is on its way out, so you should be up to the best to work with.


Cosmic..thanks for the info and advice...as I write, my 788 is whurring away doing backups of all the songs....could I trouble you for abit more info (or anyone else for that matter)

As you mentioned there is a lot of space in partition 2, however, when I try to go in to that partition the message comes up 'in panic'..which I'm guessing is not a good sign!!! Any ideas why this might be? cause that's a lot of space to not be able to use!!

You also said about getting the latest version of the 788 software..where would I order this from and about how much is it? Would this enable me to transfer my songs track for track to a computer and then add effects etc from there? (for example using cakewalk)

Sorry for all the questions...any help much appreciated....cheers - Jonny_boy

You may have a software issue with your version of the operating system in the 788;
I know some earlier versions of the software had a few different problems.

For general info and help, a good place is www.tascam2488.com which also has a message board for the 788, and lots of general recording talk.

You can get the EPROM from Tascam customer support; you should be able to go straight to Version 2.02 which is the most recent (and probably last) version offered. With that you can do Wav-import and export of your stuff.

Back when I ordered, it was about $30 which would be refunded on your credit card when you sent Tascam the old chip for re-use. If you are a bit handy with these things, the chip installs in the bottom of the machine, not hard work. The chip comes with instructions.
Changing the chip won't affect what is on your harddrive, but of course back-up is always recommended.

As long as you can back up your work, at least it is safe. Once all your music is saved as data to CD-Rs, you should do a complete re-format of your harddrive to clean out any gremlins, then re-load the songs you wish to pre-master and work from there.

If you have the patience, I might suggest to get the EPROM first and then do the reformat before thinking about mastering, that way if your current software has any more 'panic' issues, that too should go away.

I hope this is of use, good luck,

Cheers Cosmic..info much appreciated. All songs are now safely backed up and on tuesday I'm taking my 788 into Teac, Tokyo to have version 2.02 installed, and then start mastering next week...thanks again....jonny_boy