Tascam 414 receives no power


New member
My Tascam 414 will not power up. Truth be told, I've used the power adaptor to power a 10 volt keyboard. I opened up the 414 and my mediocre technical skills didn't see anything that seemed burned out. Could the adaptor have 'changed voltages' with the keyboard and fried the 414? I know nothing!
the voltage could not have changed but, if your keyboard drew more current then what the adapter was designed to output, you may have blown the adapter and hence, no power on the Portastudio.

Sometimes there may be nothing visible to the human eye when opening up something to look for a problem. If a transistor or diode failed, looking at it wouldn't tell you a thing. It has to be checked by a technician or a knowledgeable friend with a multi-meter who can do some basic electronic trouble shooting.

The best way to check it is to plug it into the wall, (the adapter) and take a DC voltmeter and see if there is an output of the proper voltage. If it reads 0 volts, you've fried it.

Good luck.
I truely believe the adaptor from my Porta Two is possesed by Satan himself..., Well maybe not, but everytime I try to use it I do use God's name in vain.

Not exactally scientific, but....Have you tried (With the adaptor pluged into unit and to the wall) bending the adaptors wire inch by inch and seeing if the machine comes on? I had to do this with mine after it stoped working. Now I have to bend and clamp it just right to keep the connection.
(There are no signs of damage visible to the wire at all!)

Thanks for the help.
Ghost-blown adapter sounds absolutely likely.
Billy-yes, I know the 'wiggle trick'!