TASCAM 388 stereo mixdown +4dBu or -10dBV?


New member
Hi! How hy'all doing? It's been a while but I've now FINALLY got my Tascam 388 back from the workshop (over 3 months!) I've set to work making some preliminary test recordings with it & it seems to be behaving itself! I'm still without a mixdown machine so, in the meantime, I'm looking to mixdown to an Apogee Duet>Mac (just using this set up as a way of getting some tunes off the 388 and onto CDs for some critical listening in the car & on other systems). Early days this end but, when going from Analogue to Digital for the time being, what's the best practice? Am I best to use the stereo XLR outputs from the 388 (and if so 'Balanced' or 'Unbalanced') PLUS, on the Apogee interface do I bring the signal in at -10dBV or +4dBu. Like I say, I'm still looking (and saving!) for a compatible reel-to-reel 2 Track Mixdown Deck. That's the goal anyway as I have personal issues with involving computers in music making (too much like being a t work!) This said, mixing down out to a computer will just have to do for now :(

PS: While I think on, should I be looking for a 2 Track Mixdown Deck with XLR inputs? As you can probably tell, I have still yet to get my head around this whole 'Balanced/Unbalanced' '+4/-10' thing! If anybody cares to explain it to me (as though you were explaining it to a four year old with learning difficulties!) that would be much appreciated! I'm a humble, modest (yet completely BRILLIANT) Multi-Instrumentalist, Singer/Songwriter, Composer but sadly I seriously fall short on the whole technical linking up side of things - it's just a massive mental block for me. If anyone fancies coming round and setting this all up for me so I can just press Record and get cracking this end that'd be wonderful! There's 'two pints of lager & a packet of crisps' in it if that'll sway ya??! He! He! CHEERS!
Assuming your cables are of good quality and the runs from the 388 to the Apogee are short, stick to using the unbalanced -10dBv outputs.

-10dBv is the native operating level throughout the signal path of the 388. Using the +4dBu level booster amp and/or balancing amp just adds extra signal path and circuitry you don't need if the Apogee accepts unbalanced -10dBv signal. It's a more direct and "clean" path. The only reason to use the balanced +4dBu outs would be if you had no other option (your mix down machine was fixed +4), or you had to use longer cable runs or otherwise had to use the balanced outputs because of RFI or other interference in the environment.

No reason to get a mixdown deck that's balanced or +4dBu unless you need to balance your connections because of noise.

Remember...balanced audio wasn't invented because it makes the audio sound better...it was invented to address unwanted infiltration of environmental noise. It was invented by the telephone company many a decade ago. Loooooooooong cable runs there.

Use balanced circuitry if issues call for it. Stick with the cleanest native signal path if you can.
I agree -10dBv is most versatile if you don't need long cable runs or interface with balanced XLR or TRS equipment. Most mixdown decks and audio interfaces that have balanced connections will also have unbalanced -10dBv, but many models only have -10dBv RCA or 1/4" jacks and not balanced.

Long cable runs for me that may start picking up RFI and other interference are something 25 feet and longer. But some call 50 feet short compared to the hundreds of feet in some all-balanced studios. The shorter the better if you have everything in one room close together as most home and project studios do.
Thank you both! That is exactly the information I was looking for. That's REALLY appreciated folks - thanks so much!!!:thumbs up:

PS: While I'm on, any recommendations for a compatible 2 track mixdown machine? My 388 has been calibrated for that new French-made RGLI (?) tape so I guess it would make sense to stick with a mixdown deck that will accept that (ie: 7" reels with 1/4" tape). Any thoughts/advice/recommendations would be gratefully accepted.