Tascam 34B :) ...

lo beam

New member
Well I just bought a Tascam 34B and I'm pretty excited about getting it up & running.

Everything seems to work fine, but the plastic record head cover is missing. I knew this beforehand though, and got the machine at a knock down price (£75!)

Anyone have any thoughts on where I might try & source a replacement from?

And ANY little tips/advice would be warmly appreciated - this is new territory for me!
My best advice is to purchase the owner's manual for the recorder as it will outline in great detail how to use and care for the machine.

It will teach you about threading the tape, cleaning the heads and guides, hooking it up, what all the buttons do and how to adjust the levels and calibration, interior controls to optimize it's performance with different formulations of tape.

The manual will cost you around 20 pounds and is worth it's weight in gold to the newbie and experienced user alike.

Buy it!:eek:
Thanks FM - I'll be ordering one soon ( although someone told me you could dl it from the Tascam site up until recently, but they've now rejigged their site & removed it - and dissolved the Forum)

I've scoped out somewhere to get a head cover too - although it's only a 34 cover, but that should fit eh?

Can't wait to get stuck in !

BTW - here's a pic!

lo beam said:
Well I just bought a Tascam 34B and I'm pretty excited about getting it up & running.

Everything seems to work fine, but the plastic record head cover is missing. I knew this beforehand though, and got the machine at a knock down price (£75!)

Anyone have any thoughts on where I might try & source a replacement from?

And ANY little tips/advice would be warmly appreciated - this is new territory for me!

Congrats on your 34B!!! I've managed to d/l the 34B manual before TASCAM took it down. Email me at sivlee@yahoo.com and I'll send it to you. Note: this d/l version is what I like to call "the short version". It basically has missing all the pages related to how to repair the unit like the schematics etc ... BUT it has ALL the basic info that you need to operate and care for the unit. It's 36 pgs, I believe, but the hard copy manual is over 100 (pgs). It's good to order the original too. Anyway, email me and I'll send you what I got.


PS: Now, who is the MORON who broke the plastic cover ??? :mad:
The 34 head cover should fit.

Just make sure that the mount spots are not broken on the part that remains from your machine, otherwise you'll have nothing to mount the new one onto and will need an upper and lower head cover assembly.:eek:

Good Luck with the new beast!:)
Thanks for all the replies!

While we're on the subject, what kind of tapes do you guys use?
And how long do they last at top speed (15ips)?
I've been told Emtec (BASF) are the ones to go for, or Ampex....but do Tascam still make tapes themselves?


p.s - Daniel, I've emailed u re the manual :)
lo beam said:
Thanks for all the replies!

While we're on the subject, what kind of tapes do you guys use?
And how long do they last at top speed (15ips)?
I've been told Emtec (BASF) are the ones to go for, or Ampex....but do Tascam still make tapes themselves?


p.s - Daniel, I've emailed u re the manual :)

Yes, I sent you the link to d/l the manual. :)

Personally I use the Quantegy 456 (same as Ampex 456) as the 34B is set up for these. I'd recommend those first. I run them at 7 1/2" per sec as I get great quality at that speed - eons better than the best of cassette and still nicer than digital. Running it at 15" just doubles the wear on the heads and is not worth it imho. At the same time, doubling the speed would make for one hell of a sound! ;) I'd reserve that, though, for the really serious recording projects that demand every bid of quality one can muster. IMHO, 7 1/2" / sec should be more than sufficient for most home recording. Make certain, though, to get the BEST tape you can find and clean the heads and tape path often with 99% alcohol. (Don't use alcohol on the rubber pinch roller).

TASCAM doesn't make the tapes anymore unfortunately. Quantegy, that bought Ampex, still makes reel tape though. Go with the 456. It's your best bet.

lo beam said:
Thanks Daniel.

I've d/l ed the Manual too, so you can take it down now.

Thanks a million!

You're very welcome! :)

I was thinking .. and I'm actually gonna start a new thread with the link to the manual so that others can d/l it.

I went for Quantegy 456 - it looks very good.

Now I need a take-up reel, but I can't seem to find anywhere here in the UK that sells empty reels. :( - the search goes on...

Daniel - do you use any NR? Or are you happy with the performance without?

I never used to like dolby on my porta stuff - preferred the hiss!
lo beam said:
I went for Quantegy 456 - it looks very good.

Now I need a take-up reel, but I can't seem to find anywhere here in the UK that sells empty reels. :( - the search goes on...

Daniel - do you use any NR? Or are you happy with the performance without?

I never used to like dolby on my porta stuff - preferred the hiss!

Hi Dave,

Good that you found the Quantegy 456. As for take up reels ... go over to the following site:


Select the "Country" (United Kingdom) and you'll get a nice list of distributors for the Quantegy. In many cases they'll also carry empty plastic take up reels. (Yes, they make 'em plastic now :( ). Make certain that you get the proper take up reels. Call them up I say.

No, I don't use any noise reduction for my 34B. I have a 244 which has built in DBX and, tho it's a cassette, it sounds great. However, imho, there is really no need to use NR on reel to reel machines going 7 1/2" / sec or better. On my 34B I only use the "slow" speed and get a very small amount of hiss and it sounds great! Me too like the hiss :D Personally I don't know what the paranoia over a bit of analog hiss is all about. It just sounds damn good and natural. As for cassette, I can see how someone would wanna use NR but, again, it's up to the person.

Keep us updated!
