Tascam 2488 neo question


New member
Hello , I am using the Tascam 2488 neo and I have started recording about 17 new songs. But one question I have , there are several songs where the channel link is on , for example when I want record a guitar track on track 1 , 1 and 2 are lit green, How can I reverse this to where there is only one track lit ? Can I cancel the channel link ? You can e-mail the answer to erikoxy@gmail.com thanks !!!!
Why do you want the answer e-mailed, are you not gonna come back here? :D
There are a few people here who use the 2488, I think RAMI is one of them.
I believe if you have those two track highlited as linked... just press them both down again and lift off one finger. It will then only be selecting one channel.