tascam 246 EQ question


as I can't see much on the pics i found I wanted to know how the eq works as it is different from the 688,464,424 models.I read that there is a hi and low knob and those are somehow sweepable but how without gain-knobs?I couldn't see any on the pics...on the other models there is a sweepable midrange with freq and gain knob but how does it look on the 246?

thanks for answers
Hey baby,...

the EQ knobs on the 246 are stacked dual pots. Top knob for boost/cut and lower knob (ring) for freq-sweep.

I'll step out front and say the 246's (& 244's) EQ dual-sweepable is more versatile than the Hi/Low-fixed + Mid-sweep of the 424, 464. 644, etc.

You heard it here first.:eek:;)
ok thx, i'm thinking of buying one.it looks so amazing and vintage!
i already have a 464 and a 688 but i would sell my 464 or lend it to someone.