Tascam 1641, 1800 or 2000

TASCAM 164 1800 or 2000

Here is my experience with these types of units.

All of these units are great!

The 1641 has an internal power supply.
The 1800 has an external power supply, which I prefer in case they go dead, you don't have to send the unit in for a stinking power supply.

I ended up with the 1800 because of that and that it has all the mic XLR inputs in the front and its looks. I like 'mics' in the front because I have the unit in a rack.
Some guys like plugging in from the back like going roman, ha ha thats their choice. I am a front load kind of guy.

Try plugging in those miss from the back, no thanks. I paid about 240 for mine, very close to the asking rice of most 1641; so its essentially the upgrade.

The 2000 has a meter bridge not needed with pro tools really but nice and it looks cool I saw one go for around 277.00 for it.For 30 bucks more would have been nice but not needed.
The 2000 also comes with Cubase 4 LE while the 1800 comes with CuBase 5 LE. Again, not a big deal but nice. I am ok with my choice.

The other models in this range, personus, focus rite, maudio 8 pre is great!

Since I am not going to daisy chain these, not important. why you may ask? because I am happy to work with no more than 8-10 channels tracks at once. No big deal.
Reason 2 is that while the maudio has 192 bit HD high def sampling rate it eats up tons and tons of computer space to do so. then you whittle all that down to 44:1 so
why bother. My ears will not notice the diff and neither will most of the masses. I do have a fix for that too. Its called TURN UP THE VOLUME!!

Thats my rant hope this helps anyone out there. I also agonized over this as well. Don't, they are all good units all of them for the price. FYI, they all kind of suck on a PC.
I was a PC slave and just got a mac and WHOAAAAH, I am a change man!
You can daisy chain multiple interfaces very well with ASIO4ALL. With two US-1641's, US-1800, or US-2000, you can get 28 analog channels all at once. I used the SPDIF from one to go into the input of the second one so that they were both synced.

I've only had the FP10 and the US-1641. The 1641 sounds great while providing a ton of inputs at a really low cost. The FP10 provides two channels of insert, a seperate line level out of each input. For the bang for your buck the Tascam stuff is incredible.
I was just at Guitar Center today and looked at the US 2000. No way to daisy chain them per GC rep. How did you accomplish this?

I was gonna go PreSonus Firewire, but laptop doesn't have Firewire, so I've been trying to figure out how to do this with USB.
I was just at Guitar Center today and looked at the US 2000. No way to daisy chain them per GC rep. How did you accomplish this?

I was gonna go PreSonus Firewire, but laptop doesn't have Firewire, so I've been trying to figure out how to do this with USB.

You can't. It wouldn't be a good idea to do this anyway.

A good thing to do is to find an interface that has an adat input. Then you could buy the 8preamp unit by Behringer and connect the two.
You could try running the 1/4" line outs (1,2,3,4) of one US1800 into the 1/4" ins (11,12,13,14) of another US1800. That's the only way I could see it working but you'd likely have problems with gain staging.

The one nice thing about the US2000 that I would have liked to see on the 1800 is the inserts section.