Tapping technique on acoustic


New member
Hey folks. I have a random question that has been nagging at me for awhile now. As the thread subject suggests, it has to do with tapping on an acoustic such as that Andy McKee is so fond of. When I tap a note I get the desired sound from the string between my finger and the bridge, but there is also a tone coming from the part of the string between my finger and the nut which causes obvious havoc. Is there some special technique for avoiding this? Something to do with setup? Or what? Its not like I have the chops to be covering Andy any time soon, but it would be nice to know how he does what he does. Cheers.
Either use a finger behind the others to mute the strings, or put something down near the nut or first fret to dampen those notes. A lot of people use one of those terry cloth wrist band thingamajigs. Others just live with it, since it is not picked up by a pickup, and usually your audience won't hear it.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Good advice from lght.
Also, tap near the fret and wiggle your finger (as if doing a bit of vibrato), just after tapping. I often fret a note on the same string with my left hand.

I don't use the technique a lot, but when I do I usually use it for quick passing notes where this isn't so much of a problem :)