Tap tempo program with midi output?


New member
I'm pretty sure this is the right forum for this...

I have a track that wasn't recorded with a metronome/click so it doesn't have consistent time. I want to create a midi file that will run in sync with it. I don't know if there's another solution I could try, but I'm wondering if there's a program where I can load a wav and tap on the keyboard or mouse while it plays, and it outputs a midi file with the correct tempo markings. I don't know if there are any midi composing/notating programs or stand-along programs that could do this, but I figured it's worth a shot asking. I can't think of any other way to get around this... :confused:
There is no software I know of that will produce a midi tempo file and a midi tempo file only.

As for other suggestions, you would need to provide more info. First of all you need to take a hard look at the track and ask yourself what you'd really be gaining by adding sequenced tracks to it, because that's the only real use for a midi tempo map. If it's really necessary to add sequenced tracks there's a good chance that once you get the tempo all mapped it won't sound the way you're imagining it.

Most of the major and minor sequencing programs are capable of constructing a tempo map, and my advice would be to load the raw tracks into your favorite audio program and, if you decide it's something that you need to do, spend the time to enter in the tempo a bar at a time.
