Tannoy Reveals


New member
I just picked up a set and I'm pretty impressed so far. They have nice high end, no need for the NS-10 paper towel treatment. Bass response is a little on the week side but hardly a drawback. I checked out some Yorksvilles that were cheaper but for the extra $50, the Tannoys offered a much fuller sound.
I bought a pair about two weeks ago, and was pleasantly surprised at the bass response. They're a whole lot better in that department than the larger Bose speakers I've been listening to for 22 years!

As a matter of fact, I now prefer listening to my favorite CDs without any EQ!
But...*snif-snif*...I like paper towels.
Yah, I heard they were supposed to be prety great! I would like to hear a pair.
thumbs up dude