Tampa Or GT Brick Mic Pre? I'm torn...

M-Audio Tampa, GT Brick or Other...

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M-Audio Tampa or GT Brick? Or feel free to hip me to something else in the same range...

I've read beaming reviews of both.. Any useful opinions?
I record...

95% Vocals - 5% Live instruments...

90% Male vox - 10% Female...

95% Hip Hop - 5% Rock...

Other pres I have here are Joemeek vc6q, the ones on my original mackie 32x8, & the focusrites in my digi002...

Main favorite vocal mics I have are Studio Projects C1 & CAD E200, depending on who I'm recording.. Have a few other mics here but those are the two I come back to often.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!
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You're comparing two different things.

One is a mic pre.

The other is a mic pre / compressor / converter (digital out) .

Which do you need? Do you already have an outboard compressor? If not, then the Tampa might be nice to have around for that. Need any extra converters? It'll give you an extra channel of that, I believe.

Otherwise, the extra features are kinda' pointless ... if you don't actually need or use them, that is. In that case, just get the brick.
I've got a Tampa, but I've never heard a Brick. The Tampa is supposed to simulate tube behavior somehow, and it has a great sound, but it's still has a fairly neutral sound. The Brick is supposed to be all tube, I think, so that will have a fuzzier sound, I would guess.

I love the Tampa for alt-acoustic vocals, that's where I was really impressed with it. It's the first pre (blue tube, DMP3, mixer pres) that have a "live" or exciting feel about it when tracking vocals. It's hard to describe, but I truely sing better with this pre than others (not to mention that it sounds better).

So I think that personality could be a big factor for you, but others with more experience with both may respond and be more helpful. Good luck!


Chessrock, yeah, I don't REALLY need a compressor or convertor... But if the mic pre is as nice, then why not get the extra stuff I figured...?

But I know in my heart that theres no such thing as a free lunch, so I'm leaning toward the brick... I'd like the option of a tube path.. & being that the C1 is my favorite mic, a tube pre might tame some of the artificial brightness I'm hearing on it from time to time..

Any other feedback is MUCH appreciated. Thanks again.
I have owned both, in my opinion the brick is a real preamp. The tampa was thin sounding..I am not good at describing that sound but cheap comes to mind. I love the Brick / tlm103 for some vocals it is magic. The Brick should be a good compliment to your C1. I also own a GR ME-1NV, RNP and MP20 w/Jensen's&burr brown mods. I am going to buy another brick for stereo.

The brick is very useful for a DI, as well. It is rugged and handy enough to use at live gigs if you need to.
M-Audio Tampa or GT Brick? Or feel free to hip me to something else in the same range...

I've read beaming reviews of both.. Any useful opinions?
I record...

95% Vocals - 5% Live instruments...

90% Male vox - 10% Female...

95% Hip Hop - 5% Rock...

Other pres I have here are Joemeek vc6q, the ones on my original mackie 32x8, & the focusrites in my digi002...

Main favorite vocal mics I have are Studio Projects C1 & CAD E200, depending on who I'm recording.. Have a few other mics here but those are the two I come back to often.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

The Brick is just a pre-amp. I agree with Chessrock. I used and like the brick and see it as a great little pre-amp that can do a few tricks.
IMO, neither the Tampa or Brick would be much of an upgrade from your joemeek, mackie, and digi. You seem to be looking 400-500 dollar range, but the only mid-priced preamps I've read about that are highly regarded (worth it) would cost a bit more. You may want to consider the FMR RNP, Safe Sound Audio P1, Grace Design 101, and other pres that are similarly priced.
innobidova said:
IMO, neither the Tampa or Brick would be much of an upgrade from your joemeek, mackie, and digi. You seem to be looking 400-500 dollar range, but the only mid-priced preamps I've read about that are highly regarded (worth it) would cost a bit more.

Have you actually used a Brick or Tampa? There is more to pre's than what is just on paper (specs) and just "reading" about them. Mileage will vary for different people and what uses they are for.

Anyway, I own a Tampa and like Lemontree, I love the darn thing. Very nice sound for a pre-amp in it's class, and the compressor is very usable. I would say it is certainly much better than my budget SP VTB-1's. Can't compare it to a Brick as I don't own one - but - the Brick would be a different beast IMO. If you want tube, get tube...if ya want SS, get SS.

(This thread isn't too dead yet, is it ;) )
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innobidova said:

see, if you had, you'd understand the cult following the tampas seem to have. it's an interesting beast--and certainly VERY nice for what they're going for on the used market. the pre is big and warm, the compressor is very usable. it's got a sound and a quality that you just don't find in other gear of its class (and i'm talkin about the price range they initially went for, too).

i think they didn't sell b/c their primary market (inexperienced recordists) didn't know how to use them to their fullest when they came out and gave em bad reviews. the biggest potential design flaw is the inept user. :D

I'm in that cult...I really really really really really like my Tampa for acoustic, bass, and some vox. Prolly get another for stereo recording.
I don't need to own one to understand the following. I know that it is very popular, but highly varied in mileage. This, I can find out just by reading. You do have a very good point, though, that the unit may not be utilized fully or correctly. However, I doubt there would be that many people on the other side of the fence who would jump the gun and type a review before having experienced the entirety of that unit's potential. I suppose more care should have been considered with my first post as my intent was not to shoot down the brick and tampa but to suggest some other highly regarded alternatives. Sorry to stir things up!
innobidova said:

hey there, no worries! :D

it just seems (to me) that most of the negative vibe surrounding the Tampa comes from one of three places: 1. People who have never used it and feel necessary to repeat "what they've heard/read"--this is the bane of the internet and no product is safe from this. :D 2. People who used one and couldn't/didn't "get it" and therefore there must be something wrong with the unit, or 3. People who have a bone to pick with M-Audio for one reason or another.

and it just seems to me that most folks who have read the manual (or otherwise figured out how to properly work the gain staging on the compressor) absolutely love this unit.

as for the "other options" you suggested.....i don't think you're going to find anyone saying anything bad about the grace or the rnp (other than the common "stepped gain" gripe), and maybe even the safe sound (although its reviews do seem to be a little mixed). those are all very solid units.

but i think you'd be hard pressed to find an RNP or Grace for ~$200 (or possibly less) used, and that's my point. the Tampa is a steal these days. i need a 2nd one.
