Taming Corners


New member
Hey guys. See those corners back there behind the monitors?


Here's my plan...

I have a bunch of eggcrate I'm am gonn adye dark gray (I know, but it will work til I can buy more auralex), most in 12" square to be randomly placed between my 4' x 2' sheets (like the one you see).

Well, I used pythagreons thereom to figure out I need an 11" span (the picture is out of porportion) to make an isosceles tirangle using just the amount of wall next to the arualex as one side. I am going to cut an 11" x 2' piece of pegboard (the stuff with all the holes) and glue my gray eggcrate to it. Then affix it in the corner with fiberglass insulation behind it. Will this function at all like a bass trap (that is, if you understood anything I said :D )