Taming a little quack


New member
I'm doing some recording with my M1 and my wonderful Breedlove but I'm having a little difficulty getting the right sound out of the pickup. I've applied a little Eq here and there using my PAraDI but I'm getting a small amount of 'quack' on my high E string and I can't seem to tame it without muddying up the high end. I'm planning on blending the signal with a mic but I'd like to get it sounding right before I add the mic in. Any suggestions on Eq adjustments to take the edge off without losing the high end clarity? What frequencies should I be playing around near? I'm running into an AW16G so I can apply some more focused Eq there I'm just not sure where I should be focusing on.
Just DI, usually sounds like crap on acoustic. I would suggest trying it with just a mic and no di. If that doesn't get the sound you're after, try adding another mic or di to the signal, to make up for what is lacking.
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