Talking about mixers...


New member
(This thread has been also posted in The Rack forum. Sorry for that, but this forum has always given me the right answer in every matter)

Hello to all,

I would like to get rid of my cheap mixer to try to get the cleanest sound possible. I would like to have some mixer consisting in "pasive" elements, without any power source or faders that can inject undesirable noise.

In principle I am searching for a mixer made of high quality switches to select or mute the channels that come from my instruments, compressor, pedals, microphone or sound modules. Then, these will go to the input of the SCard. The output will be directed to the headphones or to the monitors, and it will have a fader to control de volume of the headphones (I don't care about cheap faders on the output).

The level of the signal will be set independently before it enters to this box, that's why I mainly need only switches.

I haven't seen such a device in the market, but I am not an specialist. Do you have any reference?

In case I am not lucky, where I could search to make this device by myself, (advices, suppliers, etc)?

Thanks in advance,
