
terminally hip
I just picked up a fantastic mic in a trade. This guy Tablebeast hand builds or should I say re-builds a very fine mic. He starts with a relatively OK chinese condenser and throws out all the guts, to be replaced with a very high quality capsule and a milspec triode with the associated circuitry. In my case, he started with a joemeek JM47, by far not the worst offshore mic I ever heard, and ended up with a very warm and smooth mic. Don't expect me to compare it with the U47 but...yeah, it has a lot of the solidity that is why the U47 costs so much. It just sounds great. So good in fact that I went back to the studio and re-tracked a bunch of tunes, enough to set back my completion date by at least a couple of weeks, while I tweak my technique. I have no idea what he would sell one for, I got mine in a trade for an altec 1567A. Just wanted to give the guy some propers.


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vote 'em ALL out of office!