T-racks 3

Doesn't seem to be. It actually seems they've made a decent product this time. Time and testing will tell, of course, but I'm feeling kinda good about this one. Whether the emulations actually sound like a Fairchild and Pultec or whatever are pretty moot for me, as I'm never going to get the chance to use either in real life, but IK's versions sound pretty damn good in their own right. Pity that the plug uses too much CPU power to use as a channel insert in Cubase, though. Could get some sweet vocal processing going on there!

I'd recomend downloading the demo at least - only got 4 days before mine times out, and I'm starting to look at my credit card already...
already got the fairchild and the pultec pro on my UAD cards so nothing exciting new enough to interest me into a purchase.

Anyone else with the UAD plugs tried testing them along side the t-racks3 demo? that could be interesting.