system upgrade.


New member
Im planning on upgrading my daw and software soon so i can get more ins and outs and run more tracks simultaniously, I am running a pc with an amd 64 dual core processor and so i need software that will run efficiently on it unlike my current pro tools LE setup which requires me to run the processor in single core mode.

I do not want to invest in a pro tools HD system as it is just too expensive.
i have been thinking about outboard converters into a card or something, i have only used pro tools since i started in this game so im not that familiar with other systems. im looking at something in project studio quality for up to $4500 for about 12 high quality channels.
Boy, that is tough. Initially I was going to suggest the Crane Song Spider, which gives you eight channels of preamps with converters. But, with only 8 channels and a cost of $7500 that isn't going to fly. Have you considered the Mackie Onyx 1640 w/firewire? Sixteen channels with preamps and converters for about $1,680. Maybe not the BEST preamps and converters, but hey.

Personally, I just couldn't come up with anything at your price point.

Upgrade to pro tools 7 so that you can use dual core and then purchase a nice outboard light pipe converter to go with your digi 002 like an apogee or mytek or the like. Then you have a couple thousand left for some nice pres. ;)
I do not need more pre amps as i have an old amek desk arranged for when i move into my new studio, i will upgrade to pro tools 7 for the time being but i kinda like the idea of getting away from pro tools to be more flexable, i just need a suggestion of what kinda card i would need to run at least 12 channels of 96khz digital into my computer, thats 3 sets of lightpipes in.

thanks for the suggestions so far guys, its much apreciated.
so does anyone know how the apogee rosetta 800 with the x-fire card would work as a main interface with pc and how well does it communicate with software such as cubase or digital performer.
DP is a Mac only program, so unless you are also planning on switching to a Mac it probably doesn't matter how well an Apogee works with it.

You also might want to take a look at the TASCAM DM-3200 digital mixer. With the optional firewire card it is basically a big audio interface that would give you all the channels you need, plus a *lot* of extras that could be very helpful. I use a TASCAM DM-24 mixer along with my analog mixers and have found it be a very nice combination.
i already have an analog mixer and i dont need a digital one, besides i doubt the converters are amazing in it, how does the apogee with the x-fire card work with cubase so.