System set-up & using interface software


New member
Hello all - first post, but a longtime "lurker". Definitely a "noob" - my experience limited to a four track Fostex cassette unit (25+ years ago LOL), but i guess that doesn't really count! More recently, i have some experience with an Ensemble and Logic. But not much and that rig is 12 months gone, replaced this week by a UA Apollo and PT 10.

I can get some solo guitar tracks down but i need guidance re. understanding the relationship and between the Apollo software "Console" and Pro Tools. Documentation seems limited. With the Ensemble, i used Maestro to make some basic system settings, but that's it. So my question is - what role does the interface software play? How should it be used? Seems to me that there is some degree of overlap between "Console" and Pro Tools.

Any guidance greatly appreciated... this is nice gear and i am eager to learn and progress.
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Unless you need to set up some special mix
(for example, to let certain band members hear a special mix for themselves "More ME!")
you can just ignore it.