Synthetic Fibers = bad, alternatives?


New member
I tend to react badly to things like fiberglass insulation (that's not tightly sealed up in a wall anyway) and new carpet. This wouldn't be too much of a problem, except fiberglass seems to be the predominant material used in acoustic treatment. I live in an apartment so I can't make any permanent changes, but I was planning on making a couple bass traps and some other absorbers to treat my main tracking/mixing room (aka the living room) that has 3 solid concrete walls.

Any ideas on fiberglass alternatives?
Rockwool? There are also cellulose-based insulation materials but I don't know how they behave in acoustics applications. Bare in mind though that cellulose-based insulation materials are treated with flame retardants so check if they give you problems.
I have wondered about this also whenever I read about all the cool studio projects. Just the title of this thread made me want to go into a coughing, sneezing, watery-eye fit. I would think it could really play havoc on a vocalist. I wonder if it's a problem professional studios have had to deal with and what they did about it.

Wow John, really nice studio! Nice console! Are you the owner?

Hey Dolemite, remember to check the ceiling and walls for sleeping carpenters. :D

Was looking at the auralex catalog, and found a few items that might interest you. One is mineral fiber insulation in 2" and 4" thicknesses. Not sure exactly what it's made of but might be worth some research, the other is their new Sunburst line of broadband absorbers. the round ones look a lot like cylindrical bass and might do the trick.

Beyond that, I would say maybe install book shelves, and fill em up. They'll add diffusion and mass for bass absorbtion. It works!

Thanks for the link, that wool looks like just the ticket for me. Now, if I can just find it in the Northern hemisphere...
I'd email the company and find out if they have a distributer in your area. They might agree to ship it to you.

Langleyt - no I don't own the studio. I designed and built it in 1979 and was producer/engineer there for around 5 years. It's on 120 acres with a full accommodation building etc. It's up for sale if you want it - $1.5mil is the asking price it think but that's aussie dollars. $800K US would get it for you :D
